Tag Archives: Mindmap

Happy New Year – Back down to Earth …..

It has only been two weeks but we have been very busy.

On Thursday we told our teachers all about our holidays and we picked our favourite thing that happened and wrote it in our new writing jotters. We had to concentrate very hard to make sure that we remembered to use our best writing and fabulous finger spaces.

We also counted how many days we have been at school for and talked about the New Year date. We learned about New Year Resolutions and Miss Davies and Mrs Mackay asked us to think about what we hope to do this year. We all took a turn to tell them and they put it on the computer. We are going to print them to put into our Folios.

We learned that our new topic is going to be Space. To help us get some ideas we read the story of Winnie in Space where Winnie the witch goes into space with her cat, Wilbur. They had lots of adventures and even meet some naught alien space rabbits! After the story we used the computer to make a mind map. We had lots of great ideas about what we already knew, what we would like to learn about and what we would like the different areas of our classrooms to be. John was very clever at moving the mouse to help Mrs Mackay when P1a2 were thinking about their plan. We are so excited about our new Space project.

Week Starting 9th January 2012

  • P1a2 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a1 have gym on Wednesday afternoon with our new gym teacher.
  • Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.

Remember to return your gym bag and kit to school on Monday please.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope. Thank you.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about Space and the Planet Earth.