Tag Archives: odd and even

Why are Pirates called Pirates? Because they arrrrrrrrgh!

Arrrrrrrgh Me Hearties! We have been busy thinking about Pirates this week ( and some of us have even been pretending to be pirates!) First of all we decided to make a mind map of all the things we already knew, then we added all the things we want to know and finally we added all of the different activities we wanted to do to learn about Pirates! We came up with some super ideas and our teachers were really pleased!



In the Active Learning Zone we have made a lot of pirate areas and we have been exploring the high seas!


 Next week we can’t wait to find out what kind of pirate we are going to have in our own stories!

Primary Ones jokes of the week;

Why couldn’t the pirate play cards?

Because he was sitting on the deck!

What do you call a car that has run over some strawberries?

A traffic jam!

And lastly (thanks to Rosie)

Why are pirates called pirates?

Because they ARRRRRRRGH!

Week Starting 23rd April 2012

  •  We all have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • We will have a new way of doing homework this term. All homework will be given out on a Friday and is due back on a Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3. This means that we will not be giving out yellow or purple book bags for the first three weeks.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they returned their clean shorts, t-shirts and gym shoes (some of us have grown a little so please check that they still fit) and have no jewellery on. Also, please tie up long hair. Thank you.

Please remember to return your child’s summer trip as soon as a possible.

Our topic is all about Pirates.