Tag Archives: number

Happy New Year 2011

It’s great to be back after the holidays. We told all our friends what we got from Santa and what we did in the holidays. We wrote a story and drew a picture too.
We have been practising counting numbers. Everyday we add a number to our number square. We are now at 74 days we have been at school. We will be beginning to plan our 100 days at school party soon.
We are celebrating 100 years of Dens Road School this year. The Dens Road School 100 Years Blog will be starting very soon. So keep up to date with everything that happened from when the school opened in 1911 here. https://blogs.glowscotland.org.uk/dd/DensRoadSchool100Years/
We have been learning songs for our 100 Years assembly on Tuesday. Remember if you want to come along please contact the school office.
Just a reminder – fruit money of £1.20 is now due for the first six weeks of this term. Please hand in as soon as possible. Thank you

DCA Visit

Our first week back after the holidays and we have been very busy practising all our Jolly Phonics sounds. We have been beginning to blend our sounds together to make three letter words and write them down. We get lots of practise on our magnetic boards and at the writing table.

We have been learning to recognise our numbers and put them in order. Some of us made a ‘Ten Green Bottles’ video to help us remember. We took photographs of our ten green bottles wall and then recorded our singing using an Easi-speak microphone. It’s hard work making a movie!tengreenbottles

In the classrooms this week we have been learning about the book ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’. We painted of all the things the characters met in the story and helped make a lovely display.

In the Active Learning Zone we have been learning about the book ‘Funnybones’. At the making table we made skeletons using black paper and white art straws and lots of glue. Our favourite activity has been ‘Sound the Room’. Funnybones left all his bones (with sounds written on them) hidden in our room and we had to find them and write them all down.

We had a trip to the DCA Film festival to see ‘The Varmints’ and ‘The Gruffalo’. It was a great trip to the cinema and we are looking forward to learning lots more about the story. We have been playing some games on www.gruffalo.com

Remember our trip to the park next week. Fingers crossed for dry weather.

Last week of first term

A great start to school for our P1s. They have settled into school really well, can follow instructions and have been learning about our school rules. It’s good to be green. They have all been successful learners. They confidently take part in all school life.

Both classes have been looking at our Oxford Reading Tree stories again in the last week and have been learning all about Mum, Dad, Kipper, Biff, Chip and Floppy. They have loved the stories At School and The Lost Teddy.

We have been learning more Jolly Phonics sounds and so far have learned 25! We keep practising these sounds all the time so we can remember them and use them when we start to read and write.

We used the microscope to look closely at conkers and fir cones and took pictures of them. We have made lots of art work eg. paper art trees and paintings of trees to help us remember about the signs of Autumn.

During play we have practised writing our numbers. We have continued to make patterns and look for shapes in the world around us.

Lastly, on the last day of term, we used Active Expressions for the first time. We used these to see how well we had remembered our numbers and shapes this term.

Thank you to all P1s and parents and carers for a fantastic first term. Your support is greatly appreciated.