Tag Archives: maths

Money, Money, Money and Marvellous Models Too

MONDAY 14th NOVEMBER 2011 WE HAVE 5000 FOLLOWERS TODAY! Thank you to everyone who follows us and leaves us clever comments, we love reading them. 

What a fun and busy time we have been having in Primary 1.  We have been learning all about money this week and set up a Gruffalo food shop.  We take it in turns to be the shopkeeper and the customers.

We have also been reading detectives this week looking for words in the Gruffalo story.  We used different coloured pencils to show all the words we found.  We then showed our learning partner.  It was fun and we are all super detectives.

We have been enjoying all our learning around the story of The Gruffalo and this week we made models of the characters from the story.  We are going to use the characters to make a film which we are all very excited about.  We are sure you will agree that our models are fantastic.

After all of our Halloween fun last week we were left with some pumpkins and we used them to become Super Scientists! We got a pumpkin and investigated what it looked like, felt like and smelt like. Then we cut it open to see what was inside… we were surprised by how many seeds we found. Next we carried out an experiement to see what would happen if we left our pumpkin out in the air but you will have to check out our blog on Monday to find out what our experiment taught us!


Our pumkin has gone all fury. We felt it and it felt very different and much more squishy. We all took turns to smell it and we didnt like the way it smelt either. We can now tell you what happens if you dont keep fruit or vegetables cool and dry.

Well done to Rory, Saul and Aiden who worked so well as a team to complete a VERY tricky crocodile puzzle! It was so good that we have stuck it together and put it on the wall.

Week Starting 14th November 2011

  • P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning to make our own stop motion animations of The Gruffalo.

Halloween, The Gruffalo, Pumpkins and Apples!

What a fun and busy week we have had in Primary 1. On Monday we celebrated Halloween with lots of spooky activities in our classroom and the Active Learning Zone. In the afternoon we had a Halloween party with games and challenges.

We ducked for apples and with the left over ones we decided to measure how long we were in apples. We even got to measure Mrs McDonald our Head Teacher and found out that she is 2 apples longer than Mrs Mackay.

After measuring with apples we did a taste test to see if we liked red, green or red and green apples best. We enjoyed tasting the apples and recorded our results on a pictogram.

A pumpkin patch grew in our classrooms this week and we used tape measures to measure their circumference. It was a little bit tricky to measure the very big and very small ones but we worked with our learning partner. We recorded our results on our pumpkin measuring record sheets. We are going to have a go at measuring the circumference of lots of different things in the classroom.

We have been learning all about the Gruffalo. This week we watched the DVD of the Gruffalo and we loved it. We reread the story and then compared it to the film. We used Activexpressions to vote for our favourite. Primary 1a1 preferred the film to the book but Primary 1a2 liked the book and the film exactly the same.

Primary One got a postcard from our fish from last year saying that they were having such fun on holiday that they decided to stay on the sunny lake they were visiting. They have sent three of their friends who had heard how good we were at looking after fish to stay with us and we are very excited to have new class pets to look after. We voted on their names and finally settled on Rex, Buster and Fish.

We have been very busy in ICT this week too and have been learning how to use PIVOT. It is lots of fun and there have been lots of giggles while we make our Pivot Man do whatever we want him to. We even managed to get him to change colour and do lots of funny movements and dances.

We are all looking forward to Bonfire Night and enjoyed making bonfire and firework pictures this week. We will remember to stay safe on Bonfire Night.

Week Starting 7th November 2011

  • P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have no gym  this week due to In Service days.
  • There will be no book bags this week due to In Service days.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about money the different coins we use.


Measuring Up At The End Of Term One

This week we have been investigating and learning all about measuring. We have been looking at things that are long and things that are short. We had to sort out pictures on the promeathan board by thinking about which group they belonged to and if they were long or short and tall or small. Next, we had to investigate in our classrooms and see which things we could sort into these groups. It was lots of fun. In the Active Learning Zone we have been busy learning all length too. We had to measure how tall we were on the height chart and then had to mark our height on it with a post it note to see who was the tallest and smallest. We also had lots of fun measure the height or length of different pictures using cubes.



We are very proud of ourselves that we have now learnt all of our initial Jolly Phonic sounds. We have really enjoyed learning the sounds, names and actions but our favourite way to learn them has been by singing the songs which go with them, We are really good at remembering them and we can use all the sounds which we know to write short words. We are looking forward to learning our Jolly Phonic blends after the holidays.


In ICT we have been busy making pictures of the different characters from Sleeping Beauty. We had to use the start menu and select the Textease Paint icon. Next, we had to change the size of brush we were using and then use the colours which match the character we were going to create. It was tricky to control the mouse but we all tried really hard and got some fabulous results!



We hope that you have all enjoyed reading about what we have been doing during our first term of Primary One and we will see you all in two weeks when we return from our holiday.

Week Starting 24th October 2011

  • P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have gym on Thursday afternoon.
  • Remember to return your permission slips and money for our trip to the DCA Film Festival.
  • Book bags will be issued on  Friday. Please read the book with your child over the weekend and return it to school on Monday morning.

We have our Film Festival trip to DCA on Thursday.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

After the holidays we will be learning about The Gruffalo.

Beginning, Middle and End

This week we have been learning all about the beginning, middle and end of stories. First of all, we watched the Sleeping Beauty DVD and though carefully about what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the film. Next, we looked at a sheet of pictures which showed scenes from the film. We had to pick the one which showed the most important scene from the beginning, the middle and the end. Once we had done that we then cut them out and stuck them onto our sequencing card. It was lots of fun and we all did very well.


We have been using our numeracy areas alot this week. When it is choosing time we have been using all of the things in it to investigate lots of number work, patterns, measuring and sorting.  We have also been playing lots of games to help us remember the characters in our reading books. Primary 1a2 have been playing a game to help them sound out simple words by listening for the start, middle and end sounds. They had lots of fun and Primary1a1 are looking forward to playing it next week.


We are really enjoying our Sleeping Beauty project and we all enjoy playing in the Sleeping Beauty’s castle and in her Bedroom in the Active Learning Zone. We have been making pictures of the Prince who comes to awaken everyone in the castle. We had to match the shapes to the picture and stick them down. We think they look really shiny and very brave! In the Active Learning Zone we have been busy making paper plate pictures of ourselves, characters from Sleeping Beauty and some of us even made Aliens!



Week Starting 3rd October 2011

  • P1a1 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have gym on Thursday afternoon.
  • Remember to return your permission slips and money for our trip to the DCA Film Festival.
  • Book bags will be now issued on a Friday. Please read the book with your child over the weekend and return it to school on Monday morning.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about length.

We met Floppy

This week we have been learning some new sounds. We have been practising writing them at the writing table. We have also been writing our names. We love writing them on the aqua mats.

In our reading we have been learning about more of our Oxford Reading Tree characters. This week we met Floppy. Floppy is a dog. We also used the Magic Page and read books on the Promethean Board. We listened to At School and The Lost Teddy.

In our maths we have been learning about shapes and numbers. We have been counting and practising writing numbers.

We have been enjoying playing more with Sleeping Beauty. We have been drawing pictures of the characters of Sleeping Beauty. Some of us drew Sleeping Beauty, some drew the good fairy, the bad fairy, the prince, the king and the queen. Some of us even drew pictures of the spindle.

We have been playing at Sleeping Beauty in our classroom and Mrs Munro’s Learning Zone. We made pictures of a castle with shapes, made a castle with a thorny hedge all around and have been playing in Sleeping Beauty’s bedroom. We also have a floor book all about our learning through Sleeping Beauty.

We have been talking about Eid. Manahil had a beautiful henna pattern on her arm to celebrate Eid.

We also put in an entry to the Dundee Flower Festival. We made birds with feathers. We won a third place!

Sleeping Beauty

  Hi everyone!

We have had a very busy week. Here is what we have been learning.

We have been learning new sounds p, i, and n. And we are beginning to see if we can blend these sounds together to make words. We are continuing to write on our sound sheets and send them home.

We have been learning about our Oxford Reading Tree characters that will be in our story books. We have heard stories about Kipper and Biff and Chip.

We have been listening to lots of Sleeping Beauty stories and have lots of different areas of learning which will help us learn about Sleeping Beauty. After we listened to all the stories we voted using Active Expressions. We had to think about which one was our favourtie.


We also have been listening to stories about princess too. We have a castle, puppets and Sleeping Beauty’s Bedroom in Mrs Munro’s Learning Zone and have been making crowns in the classroom.


We have also been watching a DVD about Sleeping Beauty made with shadow puppets. We were amazed with it and are going to vote about whether we like the book or the DVD the best. We have a big floor book and will start to put all the things we are learning about Sleeping Beauty into it.


In maths we have been counting, learning numbers and sorting. We used maths boxes. We used the frogs maths box and sang five speckled frogs and we used the Bad Tempered Ladybird box. We listened to the story and counted the ladybirds with spots.


We used the Promethean Board to sort bears and sorted buttons and other things into sets too.


Please leave us a comment as we look at our blog every week to see comments, how many people have viewed it and what countries have viewed it.

A visitor to school

Every day when we come into school we look at our wall to see how many days we have been coming to school. We have now been coming into school for 154 days! That’s a huge number. We have been practising our days of the week too.

We have also been finishing our checkups in maths. We have been showing our teachers if we have remembered all that we have been taught about adding. Some of us have been doing subtraction too.

We have been writing our news about the things we do at home and the things we like to play with in Mrs Munro’s Learning Zone.

Maja painted a picture at the easel and scratched a design of a bird in it. What a great picture Maja.

In P1a1 we have been listening to stories by Julia Donaldson. We can now recognise her stories and illustrations. We also listened to other stories but they were all rhyming stories. We have really loved them.

In P1a2 we have been continuing to have fun in our Baby Clinic. We have been filing out the by writing in the baby’s name, address, weight and length.

Last, but most important! We had a visitor to school this afternoon. Mrs Taylor in the nursery has got a puppy. We were very lucky as she brought it into school to let us see. Hayley is a chocolate brown Labrador. It was so cute! We are looking forward to Mrs Mackay bringing in her dog Lola.

Learning in P1

This week P1a2 have been playing in the Baby Clinic. This is our new role play area. We did a mind map of all our ideas for the area. We are enjoying looking after the babies, giving them injections and weighing and feeding them. In the water tray we are bathing the babies to make sure they are clean.

We have been learning about subtraction. We used our whiteboards to write take away sums and used the kiddy counter people to help us.

In P1a1 we have been learning about the different parts of the United Kingdom. We coloured them in in different colours to show we knew which was Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales.

We have been looking at our sounds again to see if we can remember them. Remember to keep looking at your sound book at home to practise all your sounds. We have been looking at the oi ue ou sounds and have been practising them in class too.

In the Active Learning Zone we have been lucky to get a Promethean Board. We have  been drawing pictures of ourselves using ActivInspire. We also made funny faces on our class photos. Some of us thought this was really funny!

Learning about Weight and Dens Road Gym

This week we have been learning about weight and capacity in maths. We have used scales to weigh things to find out which is the heaviest and lightest. We have used words like heavy, light, heavier, lighter, heaviest and lightest. We used lots of every day items you might find in the cupboard to find out which is the heaviest and lightest.


In the water tray we have been experimenting with capacity by filling up things in the water tray and sand tray. We have used words like full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. We coloured in a sheet to show what we had learned.



In our Gym we have been learning what you need to do to join the Gym. At the Busy Bee table we all filled in a Gym Membership Form. We had to put lots of information about ourselves on it and some of us looked in the mirror to remind ourselves what colour  of eyes and hair we had. We even stood on the scales to weigh ourselves for our forms. At the making table we made Gym Membership cards and Mrs Munro laminated them so they look just like a real card. We keep them in the Gym for when people come in. We have put up a display or all our ideas for setting up our Gym and have began to do exercise sheets and dance classes in it.




We have been keeping fit with the Wii too. We play a game called FIT which we borrowed from the nursery. We play with Dora and Diego and the Backyardigans. We have to pogo jump and hula hoop. Four of us can go on at a time and we take turns to hold the Wii remote. We collect medals if we do a good job and everyday we keep a tally of all the medals we collect.


Last week of term at Dens Road PS

This is our last week before our spring holidays. We have had a busy week as P1a2 had people from the BBC in using Talkie Time and filming the class. We also had a coffee afternoon which the P2 and P2/3 classes organised for fundraising for Mary’s Meals. We were also learning about time.


We have been learning about time by looking at clocks, playing matching games and playing games on the computer to help us. We have been talking about days of the week and months of the year. Here are some games which we played.




The P2 and P2/3 classes held a coffee morning and we had lots of parents and friends came along to it. We also sang some spring songs and everyone had tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. The P1’s sold raffle tickets as we were also raising money for Mary’s Meals. We raised over £100 with all the raffle tickets. We had lots of prizes like Easter eggs, Easter colouring books and skipping ropes. We drew all the prizes this morning and they were all given out. If you want to find our more about Mary’s Meals check out the link bel0w.


P1a2 were very lucky to be asked to help the BBC with their making of a programme called Talkie Time. Two lovely ladies called Karen and Ruth came into the class and showed us a clip with Rodd from Talkie Time and Miss Davies helped us with it. Then in the afternoon we looked at some they were about to make and we had to let them know what we thought of it. We loved having Karen and Ruth in our class.

Stay safe over the holidays boys and girls and we will see you back to school on Monday 18th April.