This week P1a2 have been playing in the Baby Clinic. This is our new role play area. We did a mind map of all our ideas for the area. We are enjoying looking after the babies, giving them injections and weighing and feeding them. In the water tray we are bathing the babies to make sure they are clean.
We have been learning about subtraction. We used our whiteboards to write take away sums and used the kiddy counter people to help us.
In P1a1 we have been learning about the different parts of the United Kingdom. We coloured them in in different colours to show we knew which was Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales.
We have been looking at our sounds again to see if we can remember them. Remember to keep looking at your sound book at home to practise all your sounds. We have been looking at the oi ue ou sounds and have been practising them in class too.
In the Active Learning Zone we have been lucky to get a Promethean Board. We have  been drawing pictures of ourselves using ActivInspire. We also made funny faces on our class photos. Some of us thought this was really funny!
This week we have began looking at Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We are going to be doing a lot of our learning through bears and Goldilocks. First we had to listen to the story and we had to plan what we wanted to have in our home corner. We drew pictures and wrote down all the things we heard in the story that we would need.Â
Then we had to cut out pictures from the story and put them into order. We had to try and sound out the words to help us decided where our pictures would go.Â
As part of our homework we had to draw the favourite part of the story.
In the class we have a sorting activity where we have to read the words and organise the pictures.Â
At the writing table we have lots of different sheets to help us write about our topic.Â
In the class we are also starting one of our favourite activities. We have to Write the Room by going round the room and finding all the Goldilocks and the Three Bears words that are hidden.
 In the Active Learning Zone we are also learning about bears and Goldilocks. We have puppets at the puppet theatre, a Goldilocks mat and a beautiful Goldilocks at the BeeBot.  We also have a bear interest table and bear number games to play on the computer to help us with our numbers ( ).
We also have a Wii now and are learning how to play Yogi Bear. We have to share with our friend and help each other when we get stuck.
We also have a Jellystone Park. Here we have to share with our friends and think about the kind of healthy food we would put in our picnic basket.
At the library area we have a Goldilocks book and Mrs Munro has recorded the story of Goldilocks onto the MP3 player. We can sit here and listen to the story.
Lastly we have our new Teddy Toy Shop. Here we are learning to recognise coins. We also have to remember to take turns so everyone can have a turn at being the shop keeper. We all like to be the shop keeper. We have lots of teddies for sale and have to remember to put the bar codes on our teddies before we put them on the shelf for sale.
Please leave a comment about our learning this week as we love to hear what you think.
This week we have been celebrating 100 years of Dens Road School. We had an assembly on Tuesday where we saw what it was like to be in school in 1911 when the school opened. We saw a classroom with slates and chalk and an abacus. And we saw a classroom like ours with Nintendo DS’ and interactive whiteboards. We like our classrooms. We did a mind map of what we would like to learn about schools. Check out the latest school blog which has extracts of the school log book 100 years ago.
We have been practising our Jolly Phonics sounds lots this week. We have been making 3 letter words in class. We play with the wedge and make words.
In our homework we have a new Blending Book so we can have lots of practise of blending our sounds together. The more we practise, the better we get!
In maths we are learning to add things together. We are really good at it already. We have used our Ladybird Maths Box to help us.
We also practise writing numbers on our whiteboards. We completed our first adding sheet in the class and Mrs Mackay and Miss Davies will be putting them into our Folio of Work for P1.
We have been studying the Gruffalo even more. We have looked at all the things that make him a good character. We looked at the book and remembered his purple prickles, terrible teeth in his terrible jaw and his black tongue. We has to make our own character and had to think of lots of things it would need. Look at our pictures of our drawings.
We have been practising our Jolly Phonics sounds and trying to blend them together to read and write three letter words. We have been looking at our Oxford Reading Tree books and trying to perdict what will happen next in our stories.
In maths we have been continuing to look at pictograms. We made pictograms of fruit and we knew which fruit was the most popular. We also have been working with size. We looked at the characters from our Gruffalo story and thought about which was the tallest, shortest and narrowest. We used the Active Expressions to help us record our answers. We had to think about how the characters made us feel and we also had to choose our most favourite character in the story. Here are the results from our voting.
We have been learning songs for our Chirstmas Show, The Sleepy Shepherd. We have been using our super singing voices. Watch out for more information coming soon.
Please remember to leave a comment. The children have been so excited to read your comments about their learning.
This week we have been learning through the story of the Gruffalo. We have been playing in our roleplay area which has been turned into a wood. We have pretended to be the characters in the story. The Gruffalo, the mouse, the snake, the fox and the owl.
We have been learning new Jolly phonics sounds ai, ie and oa this week. Keep practising then at home! We have been playing lots of games to help us blend our sounds together.
Our number work this week has been all about apples. We have measured how long we are in apples. Look at the pictures this person was 17 apples tall. The tallest person was 20 apples tall!
We tasted different apples and put an apple on the tree to show which kind we liked the best.
We also make a pictogram of our favourite Gruffalo characters. We used stickers to add to our pictogram.
It is fireworks night tonight and we are all really excited about it. In the ICT this week we practised using Pivot and made an animation of a colourful fireworks night.
Today we have looked at our blog. Please leave us a comment. We will be looking at our blog every week.
Our first week back after the holidays and we have been very busy practising all our Jolly Phonics sounds. We have been beginning to blend our sounds together to make three letter words and write them down. We get lots of practise on our magnetic boards and at the writing table.
We have been learning to recognise our numbers and put them in order. Some of us made a ‘Ten Green Bottles’ video to help us remember. We took photographs of our ten green bottles wall and then recorded our singing using an Easi-speak microphone. It’s hard work making a movie!tengreenbottles
In the classrooms this week we have been learning about the book ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’. We painted of all the things the characters met in the story and helped make a lovely display.
In the Active Learning Zone we have been learning about the book ‘Funnybones’. At the making table we made skeletons using black paper and white art straws and lots of glue. Our favourite activity has been ‘Sound the Room’. Funnybones left all his bones (with sounds written on them) hidden in our room and we had to find them and write them all down.
We had a trip to the DCA Film festival to see ‘The Varmints’ and ‘The Gruffalo’. It was a great trip to the cinema and we are looking forward to learning lots more about the story. We have been playing some games on
Remember our trip to the park next week. Fingers crossed for dry weather.
A great start to school for our P1s. They have settled into school really well, can follow instructions and have been learning about our school rules. It’s good to be green. They have all been successful learners. They confidently take part in all school life.
Both classes have been looking at our Oxford Reading Tree stories again in the last week and have been learning all about Mum, Dad, Kipper, Biff, Chip and Floppy. They have loved the stories At School and The Lost Teddy.
We have been learning more Jolly Phonics sounds and so far have learned 25! We keep practising these sounds all the time so we can remember them and use them when we start to read and write.
We used the microscope to look closely at conkers and fir cones and took pictures of them. We have made lots of art work eg. paper art trees and paintings of trees to help us remember about the signs of Autumn.
During play we have practised writing our numbers. We have continued to make patterns and look for shapes in the world around us.
Lastly, on the last day of term, we used Active Expressions for the first time. We used these to see how well we had remembered our numbers and shapes this term.
Thank you to all P1s and parents and carers for a fantastic first term. Your support is greatly appreciated.
We have all had a good week this week. We have learned lots of new Jolly Phonics sounds and we are practising them every day.
We have been reading our Oxford Reading Tree books. P1a1 have been reading The Lost Teddy and P1a2 have been reading At School. We have enjoyed using the Promethean Board to look at our stories using the Magic Page.
In Maths we have trying to remember what our numbers up to ten look like, trying to write them and to count up to ten things. We made ten green bottles at our Making Table and will be playing with them next week.
We have been talking about harvest and Autumn. We have been playing with conkers, leaves and fir cones and talking about the changes we will see outside. We have been investigating Autumn things through the microscope. We made finger print trees in art and during our ICT lesson we drew a tree in Textease paint and used the stamper tool to add leaves.
We have had a busy learning our new sounds, g, l and o. We have been continuing to practise all our sounds. Playing with making their shapes with play dough, singing our Jolly Phonics songs on the karaoke machine and writing our sounds on the whiteboards and pens at the writing table.
In maths we have been learning about making patterns. We have used beads to make patterns with two colours and practising these at our numeracy table during activities. We have made pictures with sticky paper and have used colours and shapes to make the patterns. We remember to use the digital camera to take photographs when we have completed a pattern.
We have been creating brilliant models at the bricks. We have used our imagination and created buildings, mosques and castles. Next week we will be using the bricks to build a town for our railway.
This was our first week in the ICT suite. We used a program called Textease Paint. We have been talking about ourselves in school and drew pictures of our faces. We thought about the colour of our eyes and our hair. Look out for a letter home next week as at Dens Road we have the Softease Community at Home licence and you will receive the download URL and password for use of Textease at home.
We have all enjoyed being at school full-time and have been learning to make choices at lunchtime. Well done to us, we won first prize at the Dundee Food and Flower Festival for our bugs craft activity!
We painted messy hand prints to make our learning tree. We have been talking about what we have been learning since we started school.
Our Jolly Phonics sounds this week were r, m, d and h. We need to keep practising our sounds because this will help us when we start to read.
We had gym for the first time and used our super listening ears to carry out all our instructions.
We have been continuing to learn about shapes and have been doing lots of shape activities and creating shape pictures.
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to our ‘Meet the Teachers’ event on Thursday evening. It was great to see you many of you there.