Tag Archives: Baboon on th Moon

Do you know there’s a Baboon On The Moon?!

Wow, this has been a busy week in Primary One! We are all so happy because we have made a new friend- The Baboon On The Moon!! He lives there all by himself and we thought he was very nice but we think he might be a little sad too.


At the start of the week we ‘listened’ to our film about The Baboon On The Moon. This was hard because we had to use our thinking heads and listening ears to hear what sounds were on the film but we couldn’t see the pictures… it was VERY tricky but we did really well! In Primary 1a2 Aamir and Manahil were using lots of describing words and actions to think about and describe what they could hear. We wrote them all out on a list and then listened again to see if we could hear any more.

On Wednesday we watched the film but without any sound! This made us laugh a little and it reminded us of a film we saw at DCA during the film festival. We thought very carefully about what the Baboon does in the morning and what we do in the morning. A lot of us thought that it was funny that we did the same sort of things as the Baboon.

We also talked about what the Baboons job was and we found out that he had won a competition from NASA to be the Moon’s Caretaker. We liked the film so much that we each drew a picture of our favourite scene and put our comment about why we liked it in a speech bubble. We can’t wait to find out more about the Baboon on the Moon!


On Tuesday it was pancake day. We wrote out instructions to make delicious pancakes and some of us even made them in the Sunshine Room. They were delicious. Mrs Mackay’s dad even made us a special one !


We have been learning all about symmetry this week.  We used Textease paint to draw symmetrical pictures on the computer and in the Active Learning Zone we made symmetrical aliens.  They are brilliant.  We also had fun making symmetrical paintings. 





On Friday we had a Red Fit Friday.  We all had to come to school in our sporty clothes and if possible wear something red.  We wore  red and made donations to raise some money for the British Heart Foundation.  Primary 1 love Fit Friday and had great fun doing brain gym, yoga, karate and playground games.

Week Starting 27th February 2012

  • P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have music on Thursday afternoon.
  • Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about listening to and following instructions.