Well some very exciting things have been going on this week – we have been learning lots more about our Jack and the Beanstalk story and project. Our assembly is very soon so we have been listening carefully and we evern have a special pen which reads the story in Polish and English. Our assembly has been going well and we are getting very good at using our BIG voices to make sure that everyone will be able to hear our performance. We have also been thinking carefully about how we stand and making sure that we always face our audience so that everyone can hear us… It has been very exciting and we can’t wait to share our hard work with our school and families.

We have been meeting some of the nursery boys and girls who will be taking our place in Primary One next year as we are getting so big we will be in Primary Two soon. Here is a link to see what they have been learning about Jack and the Beanstalk.
We have had some amazing homework projects going on recently and now we have beanstalks in our classrooms! Ellie, Alexander, Aiden and John have all build their own beanstalks – all complete with their own Jack and Giants. All the teachers were amazed and impressed and Mrs McDonald even gave them a Head Teacher award! We have put them in our classrooms where something has been growing too!

After we created our topic plans with our teachers we started to put our garden centres together. P1a2 decided that they wanted to call their garden centre Dibbies because some of us had been to Dobbies and we thought it sounded like that name but it was a but different. We have put lots of things into our centres and have had fun making labels and price tags for things.

In the Active Learning Zone we have been busy planning to have a shop. We have had to think about what we would like in our shop, who would work their and what skills they would need to have. It was lots of fun and we can’t wait to see what we will create when we apply what we have been designing!

We are still learning about and using money in our Garden Centres, numeracy areas and the Active Learning Zone. We have been looking at different notes and have been making our own money! Our teachers said if we could use it we would be VERY rich!

In Primary 1a2 Pirate Pete and Pirate the Parrot invited a friend to visit us which was a lovely surprise! Pirate the Parrot had been a bit lonely so he invited his best friend Tallulah the Toucan to come and visit us. She flew in our classroom window at the weekend and we knew that she was here to stay for a while because she even had her own suitcase. Some of the Busy Bees recognised the word ‘fragile’ on her case from their reading book. Tallulah said that she had flown across from the other side of the island our Smugglers Cave is on and that she had seen an amazing sight – A GIANT BEANSTALK! It was going all the way from the back of the cave in our classroom to the other side of ‘island’ in the Active Learning Zone. We can’t wait to see if she has been having any adventures after the weekend…
On Tuesday, Tony the Minister came to visit us. He has been telling us some stories from the Bible. This week he was telling us about Noah and his Ark. We thought it was a brilliant story and lots of us have been drawing pictures of the animals, the ark, Mr and Mrs Noah and the rainbow that God sent to show that the rain had ended, Dylin even made a brilliant model with his family as part of his homework challenge. Abdul Malik and Abigail knew how rainbows were made and lots of us had seen them but none of us had seen an Ark! We really enjoy our visits from Tony and we look forward to seeing him again soon.
We have been getting very excited about the Olympics. We are following the Olympic torch as it travels through the United Kingdom. We can’t wait until it reaches Dundee and there will be a special party in Baxter Park!
This Friday has been our Jubilee Jamboree. We all dressed up in red, white and blue clothes- Ellie even made her own hair bobbles and skirt which were fantastic. We had a competition where we had to design a Jubilee stamp or coin and Rory won. Mr Mackay (Mrs Mackay’s husband) even let us borrow his medal to get some ideas of what the Queen might like. We have been designing our own Union Jacks in the Active Learning and Aiden even made a delicious cup cake!

Week Starting Wednesday 6th June 2012
WE HAVE OUR ASSEMBLY ON WEDNESDAY 6th JUNE at 2pm. All family and friends welcome!
- We will have a new way of doing homework this term. All homework will be given out on a Thurdsay and is due back on a Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 3.
On the day your child has gym, please ensure they returned their clean shorts, t-shirts and gym shoes (some of us have grown a little so please check that they still fit) and have no jewellery on. Also, please tie up long hair. Thank you.
Please remember to return your child’s summer trip as soon as a possible.
This week we are learning how to perform an assembly.