What a fantastic time we have had this week! We all went to Blair Drummond Safari Park!!!!! We saw lots of animals and had a fantastic time! Here are some of our favourites!
Flynn loved the peacocks. Their tails were beautiful although none of them showed us their tails when they were in full display.
We heard the Lions roar. They were really huge and we saw them having their lunch but we didn’t think it looked very tasty.
We all thought it was very funny that the Lions have a big cat climbing frame. We saw the big male Lion walk around and were amazed by how big his mane was!
The zebras were next on our safari tour. They were staying in the shade and eating from a box on the tree! We thought they really did look like stripy horses!
We saw some very TALL giraffes who we eating leaves on a tree branch.
We saw a white rhino in his bedroom enclosure!
We loved seeing the elephants they were VERY big. One of them was walking up and down a hill moving big sticks. It was very funny!
These meerkats were our helper Gregor’s favourite! They were really sweet and very busy! There were lots of little families and we thought we could see Mummy, Daddy and baby meerkats! One was busy looking for grubs to eat!
The humbolt penguins were next on our Safari. We managed to get photos of them sleeping, swimming and we THINK one was even playing hide and seek!
Mrs Mackay liked watching the otters. They were busy eating their lunch.
The ring tailed leemurs were having lots of fun, we saw them climbing and eating their lunch. We were very amused to find out that a chicken stayed in their enclosure with them!
There were two bears. We think that the big one was the Mummy bear and the little bear was her baby. The mummy bear was quite slow and was happy playing with her swing toy but baby bear was very fast and was exploring her area.
We met some animals that we knew and some of us even have as pets! There were two guinea pigs and a big rabbit.
There was a turkey, we learnt that turkeys don’t say cluck cluck but gobble gobble!
And all the way from Australia there was a Wallaby!
The wallaby had a very long, strong tail to help it to balance and bounce!
The last animals we saw were the Sea Lions! They were so sweet and very clever! It was a very hot day and they were enjoying swimming in their pool to keep cool but one was sun bathing!
We went to see the Sea Lions perform a show for us. They could do lots of tricks like clapping, barking (which we thought sounded like a dog!) and collecting toys and tidying them up!
At the end of the show one of the sea lions did a trick where it climbed up a big tower then jumped off….
….. and it jumped REALLY high to touch a ball! WOW!!!!
We had a BRILLIANT time and we would like to thank our helpers,Miss Holtz, Ellie’s mummy, Geoff- Aiden’s daddy, and Gregor- who is Mr Mackay! They really helped to make our day very special and lots of fun…. some of them even enjoyed the slides in the playpark when they were helping us to get ready after lunch.
- There is no gym this week.
- There is only yellow book homework this week. Please keep all packets at home from now on – Thank you for all your support with homework this year.
- Excellence Awards are on Monday 25th June
- Prize Giving is on Tuesday 26th June
- p7 Leaver’s Assembly is on Wednesday 27th June
- Nursery Assembly is on Wednesday 27th June
Mrs Mackay, Miss Davies and Mrs Munro would like to thank all the boys and girls and their families for all their support this year! We would love it if you could leave an end of term comment on the blog for us- it can be about anything on this site or just something you have enjoyed this year!
We hope you all have a fantastic summer! See you on Tuesday 14th June when you are in P2!
We would also like to thank all the people around the world who have looked at our blog and left a comment as well as all our visitors to school ! THANK YOU!
the trip was fun i loved it
This looks like a great trip! Hope you all enjoyed yourself’s and thanked your teachers.
Hi everyone in P.1a1 and P.1a2 have a great holiday – primary 1 has been a blast!
Thank You so much to all Ellie’s teachers.
Ellie has learned so much in P1 and has had lots of fun doing so. Ellie loved her sound books, really enjoyed class projects and looked forward to time in the A.L.Z.
it is especially nice being invited to school fun days and assemblies. The P1 Jack and the Beanstalk play was brilliant and the School Christmas Show was absolutely fantastic.