This week we gave the performance of a lifetime at our assembly. The audience seemed to love watching us as much as we loved performing our story of Jack and the Beanstalk.
We have been thinking about what skills people need for different jobs. We decided to make a gardener and a shop keeper for our garden centres. We had fun drawing round our friends and painting them to turn them into role play workers. Next, on post its we wrote the skills needed to do the different jobs and stuck them on the people.
Our task in the Active Learning Zone this week has been to plan what we would like in our shop. We had lots of fantastic ideas and wrote them all down on our planning sheets. Together we decided that we would like to make a shop that sells toys and food and thought it would be good to make a supermarket.
We have started setting up our shop and are looking forward to looking through our plans and adding more to it next week.
Our countdown to the Olympic torch arriving in Dundee continues. We are very excited that there are only a few days left until the torch arrives.
Next week we are having visitors to our school from America. We are very excited about meeting them.
- P1a2 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
- P1a1 have gym on Thursday afternoon.
- We will have a new way of doing homework this term. All homework will be given out on a Thursday and is due back on a Wednesday. Each week there will be a Yellow Book Challenge to do but you can pick which challenge you want to do from a list of 4.
On the day your child has gym, please ensure they returned their clean shorts, t-shirts and gym shoes (some of us have grown a little so please check that they still fit) and have no jewellery on. Also, please tie up long hair. Thank you.
Our topic is all about Jack and the Beanstalk.
Primary 1 is really fun and I have learned lots. My favourite projects were Pirates and Space. I can’t wait to find out about the Olympic Games next week.
From Ellie.
Thank you P1a1 & P1a2 for a fantastic performance of Jack and the Beanstalk. You were all brilliant!!!!
The Jack and the Beanstalk play was brilliant! The giant was a bit loud and scary! This whole blog page is really good.
Wow boys and girls! It is so wonderful to see all these comments from you and your families! Thank you!
Miss Davies, Mrs Munro and I are all so VERY proud of you for working so hard and perfoming so well at our assembly! You are all STARS!
Have any of you managed to see the Olympic Torch Relay? Tell your family about our Olympic Torch Relay in school this afternoon…
Well done ( and watch out for those Giants and Beanstalks!)
Mrs Mackay
I have been showing my mum and dad our blog, they can’t believe how busy we have been. I enjoyed our pirate topic and our jack and the beanstalk topic the most. I am looking forward to learning about the Olympics, I went to see the olympic torch tonight with my dad.
Excellent pictures of Jack and the Beanstalk and what a great Olympic sports day