Wow – we are almost out of puff with all our walking and running this week!
This week started off our new topic of money. We had learnt a little about money before Christmas but we are learning even more about it now. We all sat with our teacher and one by one we each made a mind map about money. On the table there was lots of real money and cards and had to tell our teacher anything we knew . It was fun but a little tricky beacuse our teacher couldn’t help us at all. We loved seeing how much we had on our mind maps and we all felt very prod about how much we knew.
We also got a letter home in our homework and we had to talk to our families about what we knew about money and what we wanted to learn in our money topic. This was fun and we thought our mummies, daddies and families were amazed at how clever we were and our teachers’ thought that we had come up with some really interesting ideas we wanted to know more about.
On Tuesday we started our ‘What’s In Our Community’ topic. we have been looking at what goes on in our area. Mrs Mackay asked the manager of our local Lidl if we could come and visit to see what a shop in our are is like. The manager Scott was really kind and helped us by letting us visit and so on Tuesday afternoon Mrs Munro and Ms Connor took P1a2 in groups along there and we got to see the whole shop – even the secret bit where customers don’t usually get to go!!! While we were there we had a challenge to find some items on our shopping list and write down how much the would cost- we thought that it was like hide and seek shopping! After Scott, the manager gave us a bag of seeds apen, and fruit to take back to school and we are going to plant our seeds after the holiday. Primary 1a1 are very excited to be going to visit next week.
On Wednesday we all we all went on a trip in little groups so we can learn to be Walkwise. We all had lots of fun and could tell our teachers all about the parts of our area and how to stay safe near roads. We took lots of pictures and next week we are going to be playing a matching game in the Active Learning Zone with them.
On Friday it was our Sports Relief Day. We all had a lot of fun activities to do including ;
- Football
- Tennis
- XBox Kinect
- We watched the video to help us understand why we were all going to be walking our sports Relief Mile
- We had music with Mrs Fisher where we sang Active Songs
- Playground Games
We are so proud of ourselves and really hope that we can help alot of people all over the world. Well done to all of the people who have handed their sponsor forms back in and we can’t wait to see everyones next week.
We have been helping Primary 7 raise money for their activity days by bringing in bric-a-brac and buying the beautiful mugs they have been making for Easter and Mother’s Day. We are really looking forward to next Fridays Easter Fun Day and hope that all of our parents will come along to help support them and take us around the school to all of the activities.
Finally, we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has looked at and commented on our blog so far. We had 8000 visitors by Monday night and we were thrilled – THANK YOU!
Week Starting 26th March 2012
- There is no gym this week as we are on a trip and have visitors coming to school
- There will be no book bags as Friday is the last day of Term ( we return on Monday 16th April)
On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.
Please remember to return your child’s summer trip and theatre trip letters as soon as a possible.
Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.
Next week we will be finishing off our space book and getting ready to send it for printing . We will also be continuing to explore our local area and meeting some animals that help people in our community. Oh and visiting the theatre – phew!!!
Wow! This looks like fantastic work in Primary 1, I am very impressed
they look cool
love all the pictures there really cool
well done primary 1 for running the mile and your very lucky to go to lidl.
well done p1s for finishing the mile it must have been tiring for you but good for you
I thing P1 had good time for miles
well done primary one for completing the mile across gussie park
We raised LOTS of sponser money for Sports Relief
well done primary 1 for running a hole mile!
I think p1’s blog is very good i wants watched the baboon on the moon.
it is a nice blog and the pictures are nic two.
looks cool
Nice work!