Do you know there’s a Baboon On The Moon?!

Wow, this has been a busy week in Primary One! We are all so happy because we have made a new friend- The Baboon On The Moon!! He lives there all by himself and we thought he was very nice but we think he might be a little sad too.

At the start of the week we ‘listened’ to our film about The Baboon On The Moon. This was hard because we had to use our thinking heads and listening ears to hear what sounds were on the film but we couldn’t see the pictures… it was VERY tricky but we did really well! In Primary 1a2 Aamir and Manahil were using lots of describing words and actions to think about and describe what they could hear. We wrote them all out on a list and then listened again to see if we could hear any more.

On Wednesday we watched the film but without any sound! This made us laugh a little and it reminded us of a film we saw at DCA during the film festival. We thought very carefully about what the Baboon does in the morning and what we do in the morning. A lot of us thought that it was funny that we did the same sort of things as the Baboon.

We also talked about what the Baboons job was and we found out that he had won a competition from NASA to be the Moon’s Caretaker. We liked the film so much that we each drew a picture of our favourite scene and put our comment about why we liked it in a speech bubble. We can’t wait to find out more about the Baboon on the Moon!


On Tuesday it was pancake day. We wrote out instructions to make delicious pancakes and some of us even made them in the Sunshine Room. They were delicious. Mrs Mackay’s dad even made us a special one !


We have been learning all about symmetry this week.  We used Textease paint to draw symmetrical pictures on the computer and in the Active Learning Zone we made symmetrical aliens.  They are brilliant.  We also had fun making symmetrical paintings. 





On Friday we had a Red Fit Friday.  We all had to come to school in our sporty clothes and if possible wear something red.  We wore  red and made donations to raise some money for the British Heart Foundation.  Primary 1 love Fit Friday and had great fun doing brain gym, yoga, karate and playground games.

Week Starting 27th February 2012

  • P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have music on Thursday afternoon.
  • Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about listening to and following instructions.


This week in number work we have been learning how to share.  We played lots of fun sharing games on the promethean board and we used the little people, buttons and bears from our number areas to share.  We were all very good at sharing and impressed our teachers.

In the Active Learning Zone we have been using some cool aps on the iPad. There is a new Bee-Bot app which we have been using.  For a short period of time it  is now available for our parents to download to an apple device for free and may be beneficial if parents want to continue the fun learning we have been doing.  We have to plan the journey of the beebot around the garden. We have also been using the iPad help us learn more about sharing, and this app is also free.

We were having lots of fun with our model planets and were amazed to see that some were really much bigger than others. Alot of us thought that the Earth would be bigger than the sun but the sun is the biggest model.

In music P1a2 used lots of instruments to play rhythms along with different songs. We learnt two new songs and we were very musical, our teacher even said we sounded as good as a rock band! P1a1 can’t wait to have a go next week.

When P1a1 were at computing we got to use Pivot again but this time we had to learn how to change the man into a spaceman on the moon. It was a little tricky but we managed and were super! Next week P1a2 will have a go at making mini spaceman pivot movies.

Week Starting 20th February 2012

Next week is a Fit Friday week so we must remember to wear our sporty clothes on Friday (not jeans please). 

  • P1a2 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
  • P1a1 have music on Thurday afternoon.
  • Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about The Baboon on The Moon!

100 Days of School – Doesn’t Time Fly!

Wow we can’t believe that it has been 100 days since we started school… but  it has! On Monday we celebrated our 100 days of school.

The first thing we did was count all of our numbers on our number square then we added our last bear which said 100 and we all gave a cheer. Next we all took out our magic pencils and helped to write it on our chart. That got our celebrations off to a great start.

Next we counted out how far we could travel if we just used 100 steps. Mrs Bell helped us and we all went in different directions. It was so much fun that Mrs MacDonald even joined in and that helped us to see that the people with longer legs could travel the furthest.

We all took turns at seeing what models we could make with 100 bricks. Some people made a road, others made rockets and someone even managed to make a car. It was lots of fun and we had to plan what we wanted to make so that we didn’t run out of bricks.

When we were in our classes we had to use our brains to think of all of the words we knew how to write and spell. Our teachers asked us to think of 100 words, 50 words from P1a1 and 50 words from P1a2 because we learned that 50 + 50 = 100. We really amazed our  teachers by thinking of some fantastic words and showing them we could write and spell them!

We decided that at a party the important person usually gets to wear a badge, Dylin in P1a2 got to wear a special badge this week because he got to be a big brother and he was very proud. We thought that we would make necklaces instead of badges and that we would wear them all day. They had all different patterns on them but all of them looked very special for the rest of the day.

We also made ourselves a 100 day hat. We counted how many rows there were on our number square and found out that there were 10 and each row had 10 numbers in it. We all took ten strips of paper and put ten spots on each strip and that all added up to 100 spots! We think they are pretty cool!

In the Active Learning Zone we made our centipede cake with Mrs Munro. It is very long and has 100 legs and 100 spots we are very proud of all our hard work.

In the afternoon we had our 100 Days Party! We played lots of games our favourites were 100 Corners which Aamir won and our 100 Pennies Treasure hunt! Mrs Mackay and Miss Davies hid 100 shiny pennies all over the hall and we all had to find them and fill in our 100 Near Square. It was lots of fun and got quite tricky but we all got there in the end. Once we had finished our party games we went downstairs to have our party food. Before we could eat anything we had to make the food into 100! Some of us used crisps and some of us used carrots and grapes. After we had finished our challenge we got to eat our food and have a slice of the delicious cake we made earlier.


It was a brilliant way to celebrate our 100th day of being at school!

Week Starting 13th February 2012

  • P1a1  have gym on Thursday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have music on Thursday afternoon.

The school will be closed  Monday13th February. We hope you all enjoy the long weekend and we will see you on Tuesday 14th February.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope  £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will learning about sharing in maths!

Mars, The Moon and Floating Through Space!

What a busy time we have had in Primary One this week. We have been learning lots more about space and astronauts! We have been learning lots about the Moon and we read a story called The Man In The Moon ( A Day In The Life Of Bob) it is all about the man who looks after the moon and the adventures he has during his day. We filled out a fact file page all about the moon and we thought it was very funny that there are craters (where the aliens in the story like to hide) and ‘seas’ on the moon which don’t have any water in them!



We have also been learning all about the planet Mars. We used the Microsoft World Wide Telescope to get an amazing look at Mars and Rory thought it looked a bit like a potato! We discovered that there is a North Pole on Mars and Aiden wondered if it has its own Santa Clause and if it did how he would breathe. We loved using the thermal seeking camera to look at the planet because we could see where it was cold and were it was hot. We were amazed to discover a volcano called Olympic Mons which was HUGE! Emily told us that it must be very hot because it was lots of different colours of red. Next we made posters all about Mars using lots of facts… Do you know why  all the dust looks red on Mars?

We have been having lots of fun playing in our Space Stations which have docked in P1a1’s classroom and the Active Learning  Zone and we are really looking forward to see the spaceship which is due to land in P1a2 classroom on Monday.

In maths we are still learning all about time but we have found out that there are two different types of clock. One type of clock has a big hand and a little hand this is called an analogue clock. We also learned about digital clocks. We thought about where we have seen these clocks and looked around to see where we could find them. We saw some on our families alarm clocks, radios, mobile phones, microwaves and videos… can you think of any more places you have seen digital clocks? We have been playing lots of fun games to help us match the o’clock on the written, analogue and digital clocks.

We are all looking forward to our 100 day party on Monday!

Week Starting 6th February 2012 

  • P1a1 and P1a2 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.

The school will be closed on Thurday 9th, Friday 10th and Monday13th February. We hope you all enjoy the long weekend.

Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope £1 until the Mid February or £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be having our 100 Days of School Party!