In school this week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We have been learning all about the different ways that people celebrate and we have been hearing the story of how the animals each had a year named after them. 2012 is the year of the Dragon and so we each made a Chinese dragon. Chinese dragons are special because even though they can fly- they don’t have wings. We listened to the story of Chopsticks the mouse who, with a little help from Old Man Fu, helped a beautiful dragon to fly! We LOVED the story and all agreed that Chopsticks the mouse was very kind, brave and clever. In our role play areas we have made a Chinese Restaurant. We take it in turns to be the chef and the customers. We have been practising using chopsticks too but they are quite tricky.
In the Active Learning Zone we have made laterns which our teachers put up over the restaurants. Some of even tried out Chinese writing on them, just like people in China might do when the send their laterns up into the sky. At the water tray we had to try to collect the noodles with chopsticks, this made us laugh alot but some of us got quite good at using them. In the sand tray we had to build the great wall of China and we watched a film about the Terracotta Army and were amazed at how many of them there are and how big they are.
In number work we are still learning to add. We have been learning the stories of 8 and 9 and we got a Dragon Adding Sheet for homework to show what we know.
Week Starting 23rd January 2012
- P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
- P1a2 have gym on Wednesday afternoon.
- Book bags will go out on Friday this week, please read with your child and return it with them on Monday morning.
Friday 27th January will be a Fit Friday so please wear your sporty clothes to school all day.
Please send in your child’s Fruit Money in a named envelope £1 until the Mid February or £2.60 until the Easter Holiday. Thank you to those who have already paid.
On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.
Next week we will be learning about all things Scottish!
What a busy time you have had learning about Chinese New Year! I love the pictures of all the things you made and it sounds as if you had a lot of fun trying out chopsticks
Ms Breyley, Burravoe School
I am so impressed with all the things that are on your blog. What a great time you must have in school.
Well done everyone.
From Scott’s Mummy.
Thank you for leaving us a message. We do have fun at school and we loved our CHinese Restaurant and we are looking forward to learning more about Space!
Please write to us again because we liked what you write to us and thank you for the smiley face and to Scott’s mummy and Keir and Tom.
From Primary 1a2 and Mrs Mackay :0)