Halloween, The Gruffalo, Pumpkins and Apples!

What a fun and busy week we have had in Primary 1. On Monday we celebrated Halloween with lots of spooky activities in our classroom and the Active Learning Zone. In the afternoon we had a Halloween party with games and challenges.

We ducked for apples and with the left over ones we decided to measure how long we were in apples. We even got to measure Mrs McDonald our Head Teacher and found out that she is 2 apples longer than Mrs Mackay.

After measuring with apples we did a taste test to see if we liked red, green or red and green apples best. We enjoyed tasting the apples and recorded our results on a pictogram.

A pumpkin patch grew in our classrooms this week and we used tape measures to measure their circumference. It was a little bit tricky to measure the very big and very small ones but we worked with our learning partner. We recorded our results on our pumpkin measuring record sheets. We are going to have a go at measuring the circumference of lots of different things in the classroom.

We have been learning all about the Gruffalo. This week we watched the DVD of the Gruffalo and we loved it. We reread the story and then compared it to the film. We used Activexpressions to vote for our favourite. Primary 1a1 preferred the film to the book but Primary 1a2 liked the book and the film exactly the same.

Primary One got a postcard from our fish from last year saying that they were having such fun on holiday that they decided to stay on the sunny lake they were visiting. They have sent three of their friends who had heard how good we were at looking after fish to stay with us and we are very excited to have new class pets to look after. We voted on their names and finally settled on Rex, Buster and Fish.

We have been very busy in ICT this week too and have been learning how to use PIVOT. It is lots of fun and there have been lots of giggles while we make our Pivot Man do whatever we want him to. We even managed to get him to change colour and do lots of funny movements and dances.

We are all looking forward to Bonfire Night and enjoyed making bonfire and firework pictures this week. We will remember to stay safe on Bonfire Night.

Week Starting 7th November 2011

  • P1a1 have gym on Monday afternoon.
  • P1a2 have no gym  this week due to In Service days.
  • There will be no book bags this week due to In Service days.

On the day your child has gym, please ensure they have no jewellery and long hair should be tied up.

Next week we will be learning about money the different coins we use.


2 thoughts on “Halloween, The Gruffalo, Pumpkins and Apples!”

  1. Hello Kids,

    I found your great blog! You have been so very busy.

    I love the Gruffalo story, he has such terrible tusks, and terrible claws!

    I was in China a while ago, and they told me a story about a ‘Door God’.

    Here we go: In ancient times, there was an arched door formed by a huge peach tree in the Du Shuo Mountains of the East China Sea. A Monster, similar to the gruffalo,often came through the arched door to eat people.

    The Emperor, Jade, learnt of this and ordered his two top Generals, Shen Tu and Yu Lei, to guard the arched door and try to capture the monster.

    Shen Tu and Yu Lei came to the Du Shuo Mountains, and waited for the monster but out of sight. When the monster came for his next meal, Shen Tu and Yu Lei, fought with the monster. Eventually using magic they managed to capture him and send him to the Emperor.

    Since then, during the Spring Festival, people draw the two Generals Shen Tu and Yu Lei on peach wood. They then hang it on their doors to keep monsters from entering through the door. This is the origin of the Door God.

    I hope you enjoyed my little story. Perhaps I can find some more for you.

    Anyway I will be travelling to USA (Texas, Colarado, California) in two weeks time, for about 3 weeks. So maybe I can take another look at your blog.

    Work hard!


  2. WOW! What a busy week you have had!!

    A special hello to your fish – my class have pet fish too and they love looking after then. Our fish names are Tango, Midnight, Patch and Sandy.

    I hope you all had a lovely bonfire night.

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