Category Archives: spicy

Missing Links #2 (including answers to Missing Links #1)

Good morning, Methlick School!

Thank you and well done to everyone who sent in their answers for the first ‘Missing Links’ challenge.   I can now reveal that the answers were:

1. Hand
2. Table
3. Car
4. Single
5. Cheese
6. Pie
7. Water
8. Book
9. Fish
10. Card
11. Way
12. Cat

Congratulations to Thomas who was first to complete it correctly!
If you are up for a second challenge, click on the Sway to have a go.

Please come back and let me know how you got on!  🏆🏆🏆

Eco Fortnight Update and BBC Bitesize Lessons

A huge thanks to everyone for sending all their Eco work and ideas in. Each class received lots of lovely Eco posters and items of work.

Here is a great  example of a piece of work that was shared.

We also had a number of photos sent in for tracking animals during your daily walks.

I have added some here –

We have also been very lucky to have been sent some photos from our Schoolhouse neighbours, can you guess what bird has made a nest in our greenhouse?

Our reporter tells me there are 6 hungry mouths waiting to be fed.

BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons

If you have some time this week or next and want to learn more about the planet around us I have looked up the BBC Bitesize lessons to share some with you.

Schedule – BBC bitesize

This week the Geography lessons are –

P1/2/3 Oceania

P4/5 Mountains

P6/7 Rainforests

Next week –

P1/2/3 South America

P4/5 Weather/Climate

P6/7 Fossil Fuels

If you watch them leave a comment to let everyone know if they were interesting or not. So far the lessons have been really interesting and some have guest presenters.  You can find them on catch up once aired so don’t feel you have to stick to the timings.



Feel-Good Friday – Build a Butterfly Bar!

Good morning everyone.  Time for another bit of Friday fun.

As the weather is getting warmer, we are starting to see more and more butterflies visiting our gardens.  Plants like lavender and buddleia (also known as ‘the butterfly bush’) are very attractive to butterflies, but not everyone has them growing in their garden.  Today’s activity is designed to encourage more butterflies to visit yours.

All the step-by-step instructions are contained in the Sway.  You should have most of the ingredients at home and, if not, they are easy to find.

I hope you give it a try – the butterflies will be grateful!

Hopefully you will soon have lots of visitors to your garden.  Don’t forget to come back to the blog and let me know how many butterflies you have seen.

You can find out how to identify butterflies here:
Butterfly Identifier


Written Numbers in Spanish – Spicy & Hot

Methlick Primary,

Today we will take our numbers a bit further, we will be working with numbers from 1-20 by practicing how we write them.  Click on the Sway and read the activities. If you would like to practice your numbers in Linguascope write a comment and I will send you the information.

Buena Suerte! (Good Luck)

Ms. Maturana


Números del 1-20
Escucha (listen) to the song y repite (repeat) the numbers you hear.
Ir a este Sway



Crossword Mild-Spicy-Hot



Word Search Mild-Spicy-Hot


Target Board

Target Board

HWB – Food Technology – Spicy

As part of Methlick Eco Fortnight I was challenged to make one meat free meal. I made the recipe shown below.  The black beans were a delicious substitution for the chicken I would usually use.  Inspired by the grid, I then made the recipe into a little card to print off and add to my recipe book.

Do you have a recipe book where you keep all of your favourite recipes? Maybe you could share some of your favourite recipes with your teacher this week.  Let us know if you make a meat free meal this week and add your recipe to your Seesaw journal if you can.


As tomorrow is a holiday, we won’t have another Feel-Good Friday activity until next week.  However, I thought I’d set you a Literacy challenge to keep you going over the long weekend.

Today’s challenge is all about finding one word which links with each of three other words.

Click on the Sway below to access the quiz and to find out what to do.

It’s a tricky one, so good luck!

Have a lovely weekend.  🙂


Ring Ring! – Science Stem Activity


Hello Methlick Primary

Our challenge for today is related to this picture and the title of the activity, can you guess what it might be?




Good try! We might be spending more time on phones or computers these days so let’s find a fun way to communicate. We will be making a paper cup phone that you can use with anyone at home 🙂 Do you think this will be even possible? If you have tried before and already know the answer, make sure you don’t give it away! Let’s begin.

P.S: This is one of my favourite experiments when I was young, I did it with my brother and we couldn’t stop laughing, we had lots of fun. Hope you do too!

With this activity you will be developing your Scientific skills, such as critical thinking, planning, problem-solving,  persevering, following steps.


  1. What do you think is going to happen? 
  2. How do you think our voices travel from one cup to the other?
  3. Do you think you will hear better if the string is tight or lose? Why?
  4. Do you think using different strings will make a difference in how you hear things?


-Two paper or plastic cups (even yogurt ones will do)

-Pencil/ colouring markers

-String (Make sure it is at least 2 mts)

-You and someone else


  1. Very careful with the pencil poke the bottom of the cup to make a small hole. If you need help from a grown up, ask for help.
  2. Pass the string through and make a small knot at each end.

3. If your cups are white like in the photo you can use the markers to decorate them. If you have a yogurt one or something with a design already you can always find a way to cover that and decorate it.

Your cup telephone is now ready! Well done!

Now, choose somebody at home to try this with. Make sure you are distant enough so you can’t hear the voices clearly.


  1. Did it happen what you thought it would happen? Explain.
  2. Go back to questions 2-4 and think again. 


Did you know? 

Old landline phones were created using the same principle as a string telephone. The sound waves are turned into an electrical signal that can travel much farther than a simple string.

Science Behind

Sounds are a vibration in the air, we can’t see it but we can hear it. What happened in this experiment is that your voice vibrated inside the cup allowing that vibration to travel through the string into the other person’s cup. If the string is not tight enough the vibration will go all around making it difficult to get properly to the other side, so you might not hear well.

Let me know how you did by commenting below, if you want to share a photo with me you can always email me:


Be a Wildlife Detective

Hopefully you have read the Spicy task on the grid about tracking animals. I know my children have been more vigilant during our walks and spotted nature changing around. We have also been lucky to spot lots of wild animals so I know some of you will be interested to identify what we see. Choose 1 or more tasks below for your home learning.

Sometimes the animals are well hidden or run away at the sign of any humans so we have to look closely for evidence. Here is some evidence we have found in our local woodlands.

Task 1 – Can you guess what we spotted?

Here are some hints –

Task 2 – Find some prints

Sometimes the animals leave tracks behind and this resource from the RSPB is very interesting, it shows the actual size of animal prints you might find.


Look closely on your next walk  for animal tracks and take a photo or draw an image of what the print looks like, estimate the size so you can compare it with others. Has anyone been lucky and spotted any footprints?

If you have been like us and not spotted any tracks this resource might might help you spot some other animals that like to hide away.

Draw a picture or write a short report on your animal findings, can you accurately identify the animal? How did you do this?

Task 3 – Make an animal tracker

If you want to take this activity further you could try making an animal tracker to see if anything visits your garden. See the link below.

Good luck detectives, remember to share any photos or work with your teacher or leave me a comment below with your guesses for Task 1.