As tomorrow is a holiday, we won’t have another Feel-Good Friday activity until next week.  However, I thought I’d set you a Literacy challenge to keep you going over the long weekend.

Today’s challenge is all about finding one word which links with each of three other words.

Click on the Sway below to access the quiz and to find out what to do.

It’s a tricky one, so good luck!

Have a lovely weekend.  🙂


13 thoughts on “FIND THE MISSING LINKS”

        1. Well done, Megan! I do puzzles like this all the time and really enjoy making them up for other people as well. As an extension task, why don’t you make one for your family to do?

          1. Good for you! Have you seen Mrs Black’s post about Methlick anagrams? You should give that a go. I’m already in the process of making another one for later in the term, if we’re still working from home.

          2. Mrs Black has made some anagrams posted on blog today related to Methlick School Megan if you are looking for even more Anagram fun 🙂

    1. Well done for giving it a go, Shaun. The more you do things like this, the easier it gets. Did you manage to finish the quiz? Email me with your answers and I’ll tell you if you’re correct. 🙂

  1. I am looking forward to doing this puzzle Ms Rees. It will be something to look forward to this weekend.

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