Hey Everyone!
I hope you have enjoyed the first two days of our Virtual Trip around Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen please find below the original sway with NEW DAYs added.
As always let us know how you get on!
Hey Everyone!
I hope you have enjoyed the first two days of our Virtual Trip around Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen please find below the original sway with NEW DAYs added.
As always let us know how you get on!
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Week 2 of our Virtual Trip Experience, I hope you had a great time at Edinburgh Zoo last week, this week we are going to visit a different tourist attraction around Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire every day!
The sway below shows Monday and Tuesdays visits, on Wednesday I will post a new set of visits for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to get your hands on.
Following on from Mrs Taylor’s lovely recipe I hope some of you have managed to think about the idea of a meat free meal.
I’m sure many families have meat free meals at various points without realising it – for example Macaroni Cheese or even a salad. Those of you that are vegetarian or vegan will be doing this daily.
The idea of ‘Meat free Monday’ is a interesting debate as it opens up some good questions about whether or not it is good for the environment. (It doesn’t have to be on a Monday you do this)
Have a look at the website and read some of the ideas, some of you might need some adult support –
Task 1 – Write a short report sharing your view on Meat Free Monday. You may have to research the website and note down some ideas before you start a report.
Remember to include your feelings and thoughts. Is your report for or against Meat Free Monday?
These questions may help –
Task 2 – Design a menu or recipe sharing your Meat Free meal. Did you make it?
Feel free to try one task or maybe some of you will manage both.
Remember to comment on here or share with your teacher we would love to see your ideas.
As part of Methlick Eco Fortnight I was challenged to make one meat free meal. I made the recipe shown below. The black beans were a delicious substitution for the chicken I would usually use. Inspired by the grid, I then made the recipe into a little card to print off and add to my recipe book.
Do you have a recipe book where you keep all of your favourite recipes? Maybe you could share some of your favourite recipes with your teacher this week. Let us know if you make a meat free meal this week and add your recipe to your Seesaw journal if you can.