As discussed at the recent Parent Council representative meetings, a training event for all Parent Council members is being led by the Scottish Parent Teacher Council, in partnership with Angus Council, in Rooms A & B, Angus House, Forfar on 7 February 2013, from 7pm – 9pm.  Please click on the links below to view letter and an Outline of the training to be provided.  Please confirm which members of your Parent Council will be attending by contacting Angela Dunlop.  Details below:

SPTC Letter Landward 2013

Parent Council Essentials Training prog and contacts

Any queries, please contact Angela Dunlop on or telephone 01307 476341.

Full details on the Coastal event will be placed on the Blog in due course.

Strathmore Primary School 6 and 7’s

Stathmore Primary 6 & 7’s are running a community cafe in conjunction with the East & Old church where they will be learning skills for life and work.

The Heavenly Bites Community Cafe is open to any member of the community to attend and all we are looking for is a donation to cover the costs.

Held At The East & Old Church, Forfar

Every Thursday from

12.15pm – 1pm

Strathmore Primary School pupils look forward to serving you.

Information for Parental Involvement Officers

Enquire – the Scottish advice service for additional support for learning 

Enquire is funded by the Scottish Government to help parents, carers, children, young people and professionals understand the framework for supporting children who require additional support for learning and to encourage positive partnerships between families, schools and local authorities to ensure children get the right support.

Enquire receive over 1,000 enquiries every year, mainly from parents and carers worried about some part of their child’s education – that their child is struggling in school, has a particular condition or is not getting the help they need.  In feedback about the service, parents and carers consistently say they wished they had known about the Enquire sooner and that it helped them feel more confident in working better with school staff.

We would very much appreciate your help in raising awareness of Enquire with parents organisations and groups in your local area. I would be happy to send copies of our free resources (including The parents’ guide to additional support for learning or our parents leaflet) for inclusion in parent information packs or for handing out at parent events.

I’ve included below some basic information about us which includes our website address if you would like to find out more about us.

Thanks for your help in advance. It is very much appreciated

Kind regards

Cat Thomson

Information and Development Officer, Enquire 

Enquire offers independent, confidential advice and information on additional support for learning through:

  • Telephone Helpline: 0845 123 2303
  • Email Enquiry service:
  • A range of clear and easy-to-read guides and factsheets including The parents’ guide to additional support for learning.
  • Resources for children and young people
  • Two websites: (for parents, carers and professionals) and (for children and young people)

If you have a question about additional support for learning, no matter how small, get in touch.

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