Category Archives: National


What does the national ‘Getting it right for every child’ approach to children’s health and wellbeing mean to you?

 ‘Getting it right for every child’ (GIRFEC) is the national policy for improving the lives, health and wellbeing of all children and young people and for ensuring that services such as education and health work together, focussing on the needs of children and young people. The wellbeing of children and young people is at the heart of GIRFEC which asks whether children are safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.

We have been asked to help in gathering parent views on their current understanding of GIRFEC and would be very grateful if you could take a couple of minutes to complete this short questionnaire.

This survey is anonymous. Individuals and individual responses will not be identified in the reporting of these findings

 If you want to find more about what GIRFEC means for you or your child, you should ask your health visitor, school or other professional who you have contact with.

 You will find the survey at:

 The survey will close on 1 November 2013

National Qualification Updates

New Qualifications –December Update

Update for Parents

Draft Course Assessment Specifications for Advanced Higher

SQA has published draft Course Assessment Specifications for Advanced Higher.

These documents define the mandatory assessment requirements for Advanced Higher. The documents describe the structure of the Course assessment and the mandatory skills, knowledge and understanding that will be assessed and state which aspects of added value will be used to address the purposes and aims of the Course.

Course Assessment Specifications will support practitioners and centres, enabling them to help learners prepare for Course Assessment. They can be accessed using the subject drop-down menu at

You can give us your feedback on the draft Advanced Higher Course Assessment Specifications via ‘Have Your Say’

Final documents for Advanced Higher will be published at the end of April 2013.

SQA CfE Web Pages

SQA’s website is one of the main channels we use to communicate and engage with all of our audience groups on the development and implementation of the new National Qualifications. We want to ensure that it meets their needs and allows them to access relevant information.

We have recently undertaken user testing of the web pages with each of our main audience groups. As a result of this work and the feedback we received, we have redesigned and restructured the pages to make them clearer and easier for them to understand and navigate their way around – allowing them to find the information they are looking for.

Look out for the new web pages in January 2013 –

Please let us know what you think of them –


We have a suite of guides, which are available to read and download on our website, along with other resources such as theMythbusterand Jargon Buster.

•        Guide for teachers and lecturers
•        Guide for parents and carers
•        Guide for learners
•        Guide for employers

Our Curriculum for Excellence Liaison Team continues to work with schools and colleges to provide them with support and advice about the new qualifications and ensure they have the information they need to prepare learners who will study towards the new qualifications. Find out more at

The National Parent Forum of Scotland – Information Cards

The National Parent Forum of Scotland have issued cards to be given to members of school Parent Councils – these will be sent to your school in the next few days – a copy of the card has been added to the Documents page of the Blog.

To view a copy of the card please click on the link below:

NPFoS Information

Curriculum for Excellence Factfiles

Six Curriculum for Excellence Factfiles have been added to the Curriculum for Excellence Factfiles/Leaflets page of the Blog. Please click on the links below to access these:

CfE (Factfile) – 3 to 18 Transitions

CfE (Factfile) – Assessment and Qualifications

CfE (Factfile) – Background and Benefits

CfE (Factfile) – Numeracy Across Learning

CfE (Factfile) – Parents as Partners

CfE (Factfile) – The Secondary Experience