Over time we have developed a lot of different resources to help provide structure to Endeavour through a process continuous improvement and tweaking. The planners and assessment rubriks used are not essential to the project, but do help guide the process.
Initial planning for Endeavour is key and children fill out this planner at the start of the project to guide them to the finish line. This long term planner is then broken down over time into medium and short term plans, the short term planner being based on a simple plan, do, review format (see below). We also carry out a SWOT analysis so children can assess the likely success of their project.
Children also regularly carry out peer and self assessment tasks over the course of the project to check they are making progress. There are task management, collating information and presenting rubriks.
Endeavour task management rubrik
At the end of the project children complete an assessment sheet with teacher and parents input, and there is also a review presentation.
All these documents are useful tools in the management of Endeavour, and are applied rationally over time to ensure high quality self evaluation of progress and of their own project, and should always be accompanied by lots of class, peer and teacher discussion.