Where does the weather come from? P1/2


Today P1/2 learnt about where some weather comes from. We learnt that water is always moving and can describe the water cycle. We even remembered some really big words like evaporate, condensation and atmosphere! We worked together to create a big water cycle for the class!

Remembrance Day

Today Primary 1/2 we’re learning about Remembrance Day with Miss Northcote. Then they worked together to make a beautiful poppy mosaic! At 11am they observed a 1 minute silence.

We have been talking about bonfire night and Guy Fawkes. On bonfire night we remembered that you have fireworks 💥 🎇 🎆 We made our own kind of fireworks! We filled balloons with paint and we all had a turn to pop one and SPLAT paint everywhere like a colourful firework 💥There was lots of hilarity and fun in the nursery this morning!

Owl Babies in G1-3

Tha sinn a’ dèanamh sgrùdadh air an leabhar “Iseanan Cailleach-Oidhche” agus an-diugh, lorg sinn duilleagan san raoin-chluiche gus ealain a dhèanamh stèidhichte air an leabhar. Seo na Cailleachan-Oidhche aig Clas 1!

We are doing a book study on Owl Babies and today, we went outside to find some leaves and other natural materials to make our own owls. Here are G1’s amazing owls!


Tha sinn air pròiseact ùr a thòiseachadh a tha stèidhichte air SHANARRI. An-diugh dh’ionnsaich sinn mu dheidhinn Sàbhailteach agus mar a tha sinn gar cumail fhèin agus daoine eile sàbhailte. Bhruidhinn sinn mu dheidhinn na daoine a bhios gar cumail sàbhailte sa choimhearsnachd.

We have begun a new topic based around SHANARRI. Today, we learnt about what it means to feel Safe. We discussed who keeps us safe at home, at school and in our community. The children thought of lots of examples and we recorded this in our floorbook.

Buidheann Eco

Tha clas G4-7 ag obair gu trang airson ar t-seachdamh bratach Eco.

Le Pippa Hannett G5– Thòisich an clas againn a’ dol timcheall an raon-cluiche agus a’ faighinn a-mach an àireamh de sgudal a tha anns an raon-cluiche. As dèidh sin, smaoinich sinn air na tha sinn dol a dhèanamh airson an sgoil agus sgudal a’ cumail sgiobalta. Rinn sinn foirm air Google Forms airson clas 5-7 gus na beachdan aca fhaighinn. Rinn sin grafan a tha a’ sealltainn ar rannsachadh airson matamataig. Chan eil poileasaidh againn airson sgudal agus feumaidh sinn fear cruthachadh.


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