Fun in Fundraising at Barcaldine!

Barcaldine Primary School has been enjoying the opportunity to raise funds for two different charities as well as incorporating our cycling activities towards our Big Pedal competition.

Today we all dressed in yellow to raise money for Cancer Research. The money that we are donating will help the Marie Curie Nurses provide more free care to people with terminal illnesses in their own homes. Continue reading Fun in Fundraising at Barcaldine!

Barcaldine and Beavers!

Barcaldine Primary School was delighted to have Olwen Hemmings visit us from Knapdale this week.

We had a very interesting day, learning all about beavers. We got a chance to feel their fur, see a skull, have life-size images of beavers, learn about their diet and we even tried to be beavers and build our own dam!! We had an absolutely wonderful morning and thank Olly so much for coming to see us.

Barcaldine – Big Pedal 2013

Barcaldine Primary School are again participating in The Big Pedal 2013.

The Big Pedal is a giant inter-school virtual cycling competition running from 28th February until 20 March 2013. It works a bit like the Tour de France but in the UK we are following Sustrans cycle routes around Great Britain.

Continue reading Barcaldine – Big Pedal 2013

Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

Dalintober Primary School received a second Green Flag from Eco-Schools Scotland for their work on sustainable education and making eco links within the community.
The school has been very lucky to have been granted an allotment site by ACHA in New Parliament Place and the Eco-Group and Committee have spent a lot of time and effort in working on the allotment and growing their own produce. This has been made even more enjoyable with the help of Mr Chris Holden and Mr Ryan Malone from Campbeltown Community Organic Garden.
Continue reading Second Green Flag for Dalintober PS

WOW @ Lochnell

Pupils at Lochnell Primary School were thrilled to receive a visit from Chris Thompson of Living Streets, who congratulated them on all the great work they had put in to their walk once a week campaign over the last two years. After informing them they had won an award for being school of the month, he set them the challenge of increasing the number of WOW (Walk once a Week) awards earned.

John Logie Baird Primary, Toyota Dream Car Art Ceremony

John Logie Baird Primary, Toyota Dream Car Art Ceremony

Here are some pictures from the Dream Car Art Ceremony at Toyota UK London.
Charlie Sutherland came 1st in her age group and awarded an ipad mini. The children had a great day.

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Tarbert Academy, Toyota Dream Car Art Competition

Jack Faulkner, an S2 pupil at Tarbert Academy has won the 13-15 age category at the UK finals of the Toyota Dream Car Competition in which pupils had to design the car of their dreams.. Jack was flown down to Toyota headquarters in Surrey to receive his prize of an Ipad Mini and other merchandise.

Continue reading Tarbert Academy, Toyota Dream Car Art Competition


Yesterday we had a visit from Luke Patience who competed in the 470 class at the 2012 Summer Olympics and won a silver medal. Luke spent the afternoon with us talking to pupils and staff about his training, sponsorship and winning a silver medal. Mrs Pender, our Primary 3/2 class teacher taught Luke to dinghy sail when he first took up sailing, so this visit had an extra special meaning for her.


Barcaldine Primary, visit by Sharon MacKechnie

Barcaldine Primary School was very fortunate to have Sharon MacKechnie for the day on Monday 25th February.

We spent most of the day in Sutherland’s Grove completing a variety of challenges. Team work involved us leading our group through a chosen path. We worked in pairs to feel & touch the trees BLINDFOLDED!!! The big challenge was then to figure out which tree we had hugged! Continue reading Barcaldine Primary, visit by Sharon MacKechnie

Tarbert Academy Champions in Schools

Tarbert Academy is taking part in the national initiative Champions in Schools.

This initiative links sports champions with schools. Tarbert Academy has been linked with Judo and Wrestling Commonwealth Games Medallists Donna and Fiona Robertson originally from Campbeltown.

Continue reading Tarbert Academy Champions in Schools

Campbeltown Grammar School Champions in School

Campbeltown Grammar School is once again taking part in the national programme Champions in Schools.

The programme teams up sports champions with schools to inspire pupils in setting their own goals and personal targets and aspiring to meet these. The Grammar School is proud to have been teamed up with champions who are in fact former pupils of the school – Donna and Fiona Robertson who are both Commonwealth Games medallists. Continue reading Campbeltown Grammar School Champions in School

S3 Child Protection Committee – Art and Music Project

Tarbert Academy Pupils in S3 Art and Music spent an exciting 2 days last week producing artworks and musical backing for use by Argyll & Bute Child Protection Committee. The project was to produce artworks which the CPC can use to broadcast messages about certain areas of concern for adolescents. Current research indicates that young people are spotting signs of neglect/abuse in their peers. Continue reading S3 Child Protection Committee – Art and Music Project

Castlehill Primary School Visit to Kintyre Recycling Ltd

Children from P5/6 recently visited Kintyre Recycling Ltd as part of their current Topic. They were shown what happens to the items that they collect in school to be recycled. They thoroughly enjoyed their tour of the plant and once back at school they worked in their cooperative groups to create models of the various recycling machines. These were then displayed in the classroom. Recycling is a large part of the Eco activities at Catlehill Primary School.

Taynuilt Nursery Eco Topic

Over the last 4 weeks Taynuilt Nursery have been looking at recycling both at home and in and around their Nursery. Kat the Grab lady visited with her friend Haggis the Crow to show the children how to reduce, reuse and recycle. They all made a composting bin for home and a bird table for their garden.
Continue reading Taynuilt Nursery Eco Topic

Hermitage Primary School qualifies for Scottish National Finals

Hermitage Primary School has qualified for the Scottish National Finals at Toryglen Football Centre. The team under Mr. Henry, having previously progressed from the West Regional Qualifiers last November, made the journey to Toryglen on Wednesday. They made the journey to Glasgow knowing that they faced some stiff competition. They were to play against the best teams from the West of Scotland, hoping to grab their opportunity to compete against the best teams in Scotland.
Continue reading Hermitage Primary School qualifies for Scottish National Finals

Barcaldine Burns Competition winners!!

Barcaldine Primary School along with many other local Primary Schools participated in Kilninver Primary School’s Burns Competition. Barcaldine school children were very productive and sent entries in for poems, stories, pictures (hand-drawn and computerised) and powerpoints.

We achieved a 1st Prize in P5 Poem and a 2nd prize in the P7 Poem categories and also 5 Highly Commended certificates for powerpoints, poems and pictures.
Well done!!!!!

Mud Exchanged for Medals at Hermitage Primary

Months of cross country training paid off for Primary 6 pupils from Hermitage Primary when they competed at the Garscube Harrier’s Schools’ Cross Country last Saturday. Not only did the girls and boys team win bronze but Keir and Rachel both won individual 3rd places over the gruelling and very muddy 2.1km course. Cameron and Chloe represented the school as individual runners in the Primary 5 and 7 races respectively. Cameron was delighted with his top 10 place and Chloe ran superbly to take 12 seconds off her time last year and finish 11th.


We recently enjoyed a whole day of games and exercises with Julie from Funky Fitness. We know how important it is to try and keep fit and healthy. All classes had a 45 minute session.
Julie said, “A fun and fitness filled day! I loved seeing all the children enjoying my exercises and getting involved in the games. Everyone at Rosneath Primary made me feel so welcome and we all finished up with rosy cheeks and a smile on our face!!”