Strachur Primary and Pre-5 had so much fun celebrating World Book Day last Thursday. Staff and pupils dressed as their favourite character from a book and we shared snippets from our favourite books from home. The Pre-5 children enjoyed a Bookbug session in the morning and the older pupils read to our P1-2 in the afternoon. We have also spent some money on a new library for the school – house captains helped organise the books and everyone got to take one home on loan. It was a very busy day!
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World Book Day at Taynuilt Nursery
Staff…………………..well, Little Red Riding Hood’s Granny, Cinderella’s ugly Stepsisters and Stepmother celebrated World Book Day with the children from Taynuilt Nursery on Friday. Everyone dressed up as a charachter from their favourite story book or Nursery Rhyme. We read a avariety of traditional fairytales which the children choose and listened to with delight.
Great fun and giggles were had by all!
Luss WRI Visit
Mrs Thomson and Mrs Buchanan from Luss WRI visited the school recently to judge the children’s creations for their WRI competition. Each year the children make something for the ladies to judge and the winners are presented with a trophy. This year Rhys from P5 won the P4-7 category with his flower press and Lucy from P3 won the P1-3 category with her basket.
Mid-Argyll pupil council ‘Reading is Fun’ event
The children in the Mid-Argyll pupil council have been working together over the last few months to organise a ‘Reading is Fun’ event.
They ran two competitions, one for children in 1st level and one for 2nd Level to come up with a book character to encourage reading in these age groups.
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World Book Day at Rothesay Primary
As usual, World Book Day was a great success at Rothesay Primary. To celebrate 100 years of Roald Dahl, pupils dressed up as one of his characters or a character from their favourite book. We had all sorts – Miss Trunchbull, The Grand High Witch, Charlie Bucket, Willy Wonka and a crowd of Oompa-Loompas! Our local book shop, Print Point, moved into the library so that everyone could spend their book tokens and the school pupil librarians went round the classes sharing their favourite books.
Park Primary Fairtrade Fortnight
Over the last ten days Park Primary School has gone Fairtrade crazy! Fairtrade Fortnight was kicked off with a Fairtrade themed assembly hosted by the Eco Group. All children wore their pyjamas as the assembly, which followed this year’s theme of ‘Sit down for breakfast, stand up for farmers!’ Then on Friday 4th March there was a Fairtrade snack day where all children and staff were encouraged to bring or purchase a Fairtrade snack at the Fairtrade themed tuck shop, opened and run by the Primary 7s over the fortnight!
Dalintober Primary & Campbeltown Grammar Schools’ Link ‘Homework Club’
Dalintober Primary School invited S5 and S6 pupils from Campbeltown Grammar School to run a pilot Homework Club for interested P3 and P4 pupils and was overwhelmed with the response. A total of 18 tutors signed up to coach the 20 youngsters attending the club on Monday afternoons, where they assist the pupils in completing some of their homework tasks and activities before they take them home to discuss with parents.
Nature Play at Rhino Camp
Children in the Early Level at Rhunahaorine have been exploring the local woodland and burn at our new base, which we have decided to call Rhino Camp. We have been enjoying extended imaginative play sessions, developing language skills, cooperation and negotiation and motor skills. We have been learning to manage risk and challenge.
Gigha Bookbug
Fair-trade Big Breakfast at Rhunahaorine
Children at Rhunahaorine celebrated Fair Trade Fortnight with a Big Breakfast on Friday 4th March.
Parents, pupils and staff enjoyed wearing our onesies and tucking in to hot chocolate, fruit and cereals to raise awareness of the plight of the farmers who produce our breakfasts. We learned that millions of farmers in developing countries work hard to grow the food we eat yet many don’t even get enough to eat. We are trying to help them by making sure that our healthy breakfasts are also Fair Trade.
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Achaleven’s Fairtrade Big Breakfast
Everyone tells us that breakfast is the most important meal of the day so we decided to participate in Fairtrade Fortnight’s Big Breakfast this year. We opened the school to everyone in the village and, as well as making the lovely flapjacks, pancakes and muffins for our guests, we greeted them on arrival, helped serve and washed up.
World Book Day at Kirn Primary
Flying the Flag at Luss!
Luss Primary was visited recently by Argyll & Bute MP, Brendan O’Hara, who presented the children with their flag which they designed for the Westminster Flag project. The project marks the 750th anniversary of the Montfort Parliament, where elected representatives came together for the first time paving the way to the House of Commons we know today.
Green Flag – Drumlemble Primary
Drumlemble Primary School are delighted to announce that they have been awarded their third green flag. All of the children in the school have been working incredibly hard to achieve this. It has been wonderful to see all of the children fully involved in working towards their targets. Next term the children will build Eco into their Inter Disciplinary Learning and will work together to improved the school grounds. The children would like to thank Mrs McAlister and Mrs Black for their hard work and dedication in order to help them be to achieve this.
Drumlemble and Carradale Primary School news
World book day was celebrated in style by the children and staff at Drumlemble and Carradale Primary Schools. Everyone rose to the occasion and came to school dressed as a book character. These ranged from Gangster Granny, to Katy Morag and even the Cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland.
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Trip Down Memory Lane at Dunoon Primary Open Day!
To celebrate our whole school Interdisciplinary Topic, Our School and Our Community, we hosted an Open Day for the community to come in to our school. Our community were able to take guided tours of our school led by our pupils to see the wonderful work that we have been doing. We are very lucky that Mr John Stirling from our local museum provided us with school artefacts from bygone days and was there to help us on the day and talk to our visitors.Eleanor McKay from Library HQ helped us with the displays.
Continue reading Trip Down Memory Lane at Dunoon Primary Open Day!
Dunoon Primary ‘A’ Team Win Inter School Volleyball Tournament
Dunoon Primary won the annual inter Primary School tournament on Wednesday 2nd March organised by Mrs McLean. The teams From Kirn, St Mun’s, Strachur, Lochgoilhead, Tighnabruaich and Sandbank were a credit to their schools as they played with skill and enjoyed the day! Dunoon A and B teams both fought hard to get to the semi finals. the draw was made and they ended up playing each other to put one team through to the final round.
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Rockfield Hits The Target!
Ten primary 7 pupils from Rockfield Primary School participated in the Oban High School Maths Festival 2016. The ten pupils were put into teams consisting of two S1 ex-Rockfield pupils and two P7 Rockfield pupils. The competition was split into two parts and one of the Rockfield teams won one section, after a closely fought tie breaker question, which saw another Rockfield team come second. What a great result! Thanks again to Oban High School for organising this event.
‘Strone Primary School celebrates World Book Day’
Pupils and staff at Strone Primary School had great fun dressing up for World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. In assembly everyone was given the opportunity to show off their costumes and talk about their chosen book characters. Inspiration was taken from a wide range of books and a huge effort had been made by all. The children were given book tokens to encourage them to visit to our local bookshop Bookpoint, who have kindly donated a selection of books for the children to enjoy reading in school.