Category Archives: RME

Senior Citizen Afternoon at Colgrain

On Wednesday 5th December the Primary 7 pupils at Colgrain Primary hosted a Christmas party for the senior citizens of Helensburgh. The pupils and staff organised Ceilidh dancing, Christmas presents and teas and coffees for their invited grandparents and other senior citizens in the community.
The ladies and gentlemen were then treated to highlights from the Primary 1 Nativity and Christmas songs from our pupils in the nursery.
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The children at Kilmartin Primary School took part in a Chanukah celebration to learn a little about the beliefs and customs of Jewish people. Rachel, Nettah and Lorenz’ mum, explained the significance of the candles on the menorah and then helped the children to each make their own menorah to take home. Rachel also baked delicious sufganiyot (sweet doughnuts) for the children to eat in the afternoon. The children decided to invite Rachel back to school for the Jewish festival of Passover as they enjoyed this experience so much.


Rothesay Primary Pre-5 Celebrate Diwali

Rothesay Primary Pre-5 recently enjoyed celebrating Diwali, the Hindu ‘Festival of Lights’. We painted rangoli patterns on our fire-door and made little diyas to light up the Pre-5. Primary 3 invited us to their school assembly. They told us the story of Rama and Sita and we visited their classroom to find out more! At the end of the week we dressed up in our best clothes and had a party with indian food for snack.

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Tobermory High School Fundraising Breakfast for Typhoon Haiyan

Moved by the images of Typhoon Haiyan, pupils and staff at Tobermory High School swung into action to organise a fundraising breakfast. Our event on Wednesday raised over £600 for the Disasters Emergency Committee Philippines appeal. Pupils from P1- S6 got together in the canteen to share bacon rolls, and the canteen made a cauldron of delicious porridge. The Traditional Music group provided a rousing accompaniment to the event, and there were games to take part in.

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Sandbank Primary School – Act of Remembrance

On Monday the 11th of November 2013 Sandbank Primary School’s senior pupils in mainstream and Gaelic held an Armistice Service attended by the junior pupils, pre-five unit and staff. The older children had all walked down to the War Memorial at Lazaretto Point the previous week and researched the history behind it. They discovered plaques from both the 1st and 2nd World Wars detailing the names and roles of local men who lost their lives in conflict.

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Peace Assembly at Colgrain Primary School

The Primary 6 and 7 pupils at Colgrain Primary School presented a beautiful assembly to coincide with Remembrance Day. The pupils talked about the Scottish Poppy Appeal with great knowledge and told the stories of service men and women who have been an inspiration to them. Many pupils at Colgrain are children of Service men and women and know first-hand what it is like to have family members in areas of the world where there is conflict. The pupils spoke very confidently about the history of the Scottish Poppy Appeal and encouraged the children in the school to donate and wear a Poppy with pride.

Year of Faith Mass

Friday 1 November 2013 will go down in the history of St Joseph’s Primary School as a monumental day as The Most Reverend Philip Tartaglia, Archbishop of Glasgow visited the school to say a special Mass. Archbishop Tartaglia was there not only to celebrate All Saints Day but also as a culmination of the school’s Year of Faith activities.

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Denominational Schools Working In Partnership

This year was the Year of Faith in the Catholic church where many opportunities were created to celebrate our faith worldwide. The four denominational schools in Argyll and Bute of St. Andrew’s Rothesay, St Columba’s, Oban, St. Mun’s Dunoon and St. Joseph’s Helensburgh collaborated on a project to create the Argyll and Bute children’s year of faith prayer as follows:
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St. Joseph’s Pupil Scoops International Prize!

Charlotte was overcome with emotion when John Evitt of Mission Matters Scotland came to St. Joseph’s Primary School for what she thought was an assembly on the international charity which the school supports. However, earlier this year Charlotte and her classmates had entered an art competition to mark the 170th birthday of the Catholic Church’s global mission charity and John’s real reason for visiting school that day was to present Charlotte with the Scottish prize.

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Iona Primary welcomes a very special VIP

Iona Primary School children were amazed when the Northern Ireland Minister for Justice popped in yesterday to thank them for a gift. David Ford from Stormont Castle came to thank the children for the very special book about Iona that the pupils had lovingly made from scratch (including the paper).
Former Head Teacher, Liz Kennedy, had had the inspired idea for this special book to be transported in the coracle that was sailing to Ireland as part of the St Columba’s Celebrations at the end of term. In memory of the journey of the famous Book of Kells. Continue reading Iona Primary welcomes a very special VIP

St. Joseph’s Pupils Just Keep on Winning!

Staff and pupils of St. Joseph’s Primary school in Helensburgh were delighted to welcome John Evitt of Missio to school this week, not least because he brought with him a wonderful surprise for P6 pupil Charlotte O’Hara. Way back in November of last year, John visited the school to announce the lunch of an International Competition ‘Missionary Children World Competition’ to mark 170 years of Missio in this, the Year of Faith. Missio launched this drawing competition which was open to all primary school pupils in Scotland.
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Southend and Saint Columba

Pupils in P4-7 have been learning about Southend’s connection with Saint Columba as part of local celebrations to mark 1450 years since the saint landed in Scotland from Ireland. With local amateur historians they visited the site of the Saint’s footsteps. The choir performed a Gaelic song at the annual Saint Columba Conventicle also held at the footsteps.

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Death and the Afterlife

S1/2 in Tobermory completed their RME conferences for this year with a day on the theme of Death and the Afterlife. This could have been a particularly difficult theme to work on but S1/2 participated in the day in a sensitive and thoughtful manner. The group started the morning together discussing why we have funeral services and went to the church where Mr Paton talked through some of the ways in which people deal with loss and how a funeral might look in the Church of Scotland and how funerals have changed over the years. Continue reading Death and the Afterlife


Port Ellen Primary 3&4 and 6&7 have been learning about India. In the topic we have had Glow Meets with teachers and students at Arwachin Bharti Bhawan School in Delhi in India. We got the chance to ask them questions about life in India. It was surprising that we have so much in common; they like TV like The Simpsons and Family Guy, music like Taylor Swift and films like James Bond, and their English was much better than our Hindi! We wanted to look at the differences in the festivals we celebrate. Continue reading INDIA CONNECTIONS

St Joseph’s Holy Communion

Saturday 11th May was a day of massive celebration for the P4 children of St. Joseph’s Primary School and their families as the children received the Sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. Rain did not dampen the spirits of the excited youngsters as they turned out in their finery for this very special day at St. Joseph’s Church. The children were ably supported by many family members and the church was full to bursting.

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On the 26th of March Primary 6&7 and Primary 3&4 had a India afternoon. We invited parents and we had stalls ready for the parents to interact with. To start off the day we showed power points on different celebrations in India we also made Indian God masks to show to our parents. In p3/4 there was a shadow puppet show of Rama and Sita and Rangoli patterns to do also hand paints and guess the spice. We also set up a build the Taj Mahal with lego stall.


Park Primary Fairtrade Cake Bake

Park Primary School held a two day Fairtrade Cakebake last week. Many of the pupils and staff baked cakes and biscuits using at least one Fairtrade ingredient to show their support towards Fairtrade products during Fairtrade Fortnight. This was a huge success and raised £340.01. Well done to all the bakers and thank you to all who came along and spent some money!

Luing Big Brew

The children of Luing transformed their classroom into a cafe for a Big Brew. This is in connection to the Human Rights work that the children are taking forward and to support Fairtrade Fortnight. Linda Leggett, an island resident and Fairtrade Tradecraft stall holder, set up a stall in the classroom to offer the visitors an opportunity to make their purchases.
As ever, the islanders turned out in force to support not only the children but to show support for Fairtrade and a growing understanding of the human rights agenda.

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Fair-trade Foods at Lochdonhead Primary

On Monday 4th of March, the Tobermory Co-op manager, Brian MacLeod came to our school to talk to us about Fair-trade foods. It was very interesting.
Here are some of the facts:
• Sugar is the most popular Fair-trade food!
• Bananas are a separate category from the other fruit!
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