Category Archives: Sport

Dalmally ‘Tuff Mudder’

Dalmally Tuff mudder 1Last Wednesday, all the pupils in Dalmally Primary school took part in our version of ‘Tuff Mudder’. Pre 5 and P1/2 completed the Mini Mudder course while P3-7 completed a 5K obstacle course through the local forest and back to our playground. It was a fantastic day and all the pupils supported and encouraged each other through the various obstacles . We ended the day by playing different water games in the playground to clean off all the mud from Tuff Mudder!

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Park Primary Crowned MacKay Cup Winners!

Park PS Shinty MacKay Cup Winners 1‘On Monday 15th June, Park Primary Shinty Team travelled to Inveraray to meet Kyles in the semi finals of shinty’s most prestigious competition – The MacKay Cup. Park won 2-0 putting them through to the final which took place on Saturday…

The Team travelled to Inveraray again to play in the final against a strong Newtonmore team who were still flying high after beating Kyles 10-5 in the Tulloch Cup Final the week before. Continue reading Park Primary Crowned MacKay Cup Winners!

Furnace and Inveraray P6/7’s enjoy their week at Benmore

Furnace and Minard Benore mid-argyll groupThe children in Primary 6 and 7 in Furnace and Inveraray Primaries joined together to enjoy a week of outdoor activities at Benmore Outdoor centre last week. They abseiled, gorge walked,completed an orienteering challenge, kayaked and took to the waters of Loch Eck in canoes. They also went for a late night swim in the Loch and ended a busy week with mountain biking before getting dressed up for the disco! They all admitted they had achieved much more than they thought they could and they had a lot to be proud of.

Ardrishaig Primary are Millennium Cup Champions!

Ardrishaig Football 1 2015-06-18 ArdrishaigArdrishaig Primary School Football Club travelled all the way to Campbeltown to compete in the Millennium Cup this week and they were delighted to come home as champions. The team included children from P4-7, captained by Robbie in P7. They remained unbeaten throughout the night with 4 wins and 1 draw. Each player received a medal and the school will hold onto the cup for this year.

Continue reading Ardrishaig Primary are Millennium Cup Champions!

DGS Grangemouth Success

DGS Grangemouth SuccessOn the 3rd of June 2015 some pupils from Dunoon Grammar School took part in Scottish Disability Sports National Junior Athletics tournament in Grangemouth. Competitors from all over the country gather to race against each other. This is the fifth time that DGS pupils have participated.
Each competitor had three events which included 60m, 100m, shot putt, standing long jump and running long jump. The day was bright, windy and cold and perfect for competing. Continue reading DGS Grangemouth Success

Tesco Football Fanatics!

RPS Tesco FootballThe pupils in Primary 1, 2 and 3 at Rothesay Primary are football fanatics after six weeks of training and skills development through the SFA and the Tesco Bank Football Challenge. Martin Rae was very pleased with how the boys and girls worked across the sessions and the support he had from all the staff. Rothesay Primary thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience and would like to thank Martin for organising a local Festival of Football for us as a finale to the whole experience. Six lucky players also had their footballing dreams come true when they got surprise tickets to the Scottish Cup Final!

Garelochhead PS, proud winners of the Golf Trophy!

Garelochhead Golf PresentationLast term, one of the Golf professionals from Helensburgh Golf Club, Matt Burt, gave golf lessons to P6/5 children at Garelochhead Primary School. This course was part of the Active Schools initiative using amenities in the area to get children more involved in sport. On Good Friday, five of the children who took part in the lessons went to Helensburgh Golf Club to participate in a fun golf competition against some other local schools. They had to show off the skills they had learned by scoring points while putting, chipping and hitting golf balls at targets.

Continue reading Garelochhead PS, proud winners of the Golf Trophy!

P7 Young Leaders at Dalintober PS

Dalintober PS P7 Young Leaders  Football Lunch ClubP7 pupils at Dalintober have taken on the roles of Young Leaders to develop and lead a wide range of Lunchtime Clubs for all other classes in the school. The clubs are Football Skills, Dance, Space Activities, Chess, Cartoon Drawings and an Art Club. All the younger pupils are really enjoying taking part and would like to say a big thank you to the senior pupils for volunteering their time. Continue reading P7 Young Leaders at Dalintober PS

Commander Riches opens the Community Covenant Sports Facilities at Cardross

Cardross Sports Day 3Cardross Primary held their annual sports day yesterday. After the tradition races, Commander Riches OBE from HMNB Clyde cut the ribbon and opened the new school sports courts.

The courts were funded by a successful community covenant bid and have been named after naval ships, boats and colleges that are significant to our armed forces pupils.

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Kirn’s P6 have “the BEST time EVER” at Ardentinny

Kirn Ardentiny 1Kirn Primary’s P6 children had an amazing time at Ardentinny Outdoor Centre and in just under four days managed to rock-hop, safari on the seashore, abseil, waterfall climb, forest walk, orienteer, eat great food, disco and have the Best Time EVER! Everyone had a fantastic time and lots of happy memories to bring home.

Continue reading Kirn’s P6 have “the BEST time EVER” at Ardentinny


Rosneath Crosss Country 1Rosneath Primary took part in the above event with other Helensburgh & Lomond Primary Schools on Thursday 23rd April. What a glorious morning! Ideal weather, ideal terrain under foot, lots of enthusiastic Runners.
All personal goals achieved and the Finish Line crossed!
Many thanks to Margery Taylor (Lomond) and Martin Caldwell for superb organisation and to Lomond for their hospitality.



Rosneath Cross Country 1On Saturday 18th April in the grounds of Kirkcaldy High School, Fife, Team Rosneath joined 1,000 other P6 and P7 pupils for the 28th Annual Cross Country Championships. What a hard course, what a challenge but our athletes ALL crossed that all important Finish Line!

Continue reading WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY FOR A “WEE” RUN!!!

St. Joseph’s a Winner at Showing Racism the Red Card!

St Josephs RED CARD 1Nicholas, a P6 pupil at St. Joseph’s Primary School in Helensburgh recently attended Hampden Park with his mum and teacher, Miss Trainer for the winner’s day out following the ‘Show Racism Red Card Competition’. Show Racism the Red Card (Scotland) is a charity that promotes anti-racism through education. The aim of their campaign is to combat racism through education and the use of footballers as role models.

Continue reading St. Joseph’s a Winner at Showing Racism the Red Card!

A busy week at Southend Primary

Southend PS Busy Week 1Book Week
We held our very own Book Week. This involved writing book reviews, class talks about our favourite books and dressing up as our favourite book characters. We also had parents come in to read to us. John McCallum from the Campbeltown Courier came to our school to talk about his job. We asked lots of questions and found out lots of information about being a journalist.
By Caitlin, P6
Continue reading A busy week at Southend Primary

Health Week at Rosneath

Last week, 24th – 28th November, Rosneath Primary School enjoyed an action packed Health Week. Pupils experienced a range of activities and workshops, including: Stramash, Heartstart, SOS Fitness, Community Police and Community Lollipop Lady. The health week coincided with the free school lunch pilot for P1-3 and we were delighted to see a large number of pupils tucking into healthy school lunches, yum yum! P1-7 parents were also invited to join their children for a school lunch.

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Dunoon Grammar School pupil Robert Miller receives a call-up to the Scotland National Disabilities Senior Squad. Dunoon Grammar School’s Robert Miller is preparing himself to take on this best footballers in the world, having gained his first ever call-up to Scotland’s National Disability Senior Squad. Robert, who had previously played for the Development Squad received the all-important letter on November 7 informing him of his inclusion in the senior squad. Continue reading ROBERT’S CAP CALL FOR SCOTLAND

Scottish Cup winner Kara Called Up for West of Scotland.

Kara Chalmers an S2 pupil from DGS has been chosen to play for the West of Scotland U15 girls football team. Kara, who is a member of the U13s Celtic side that achieved Scottish Cup success earlier this month, has been playing football for three years and was delighted with the call up to the West of Scotland squad. Kara who plays right midfield for ‘The Hoops’ was surprised when her dad received an email informing him of Kara’s inclusion in the squad – a squad that is mainly made of girls from the greater Glasgow area and who are a year older than Kara.
Kara stated: “I skimmed over the email and at first thought I had not been included in the West of Scotland squad. I was then exstatic when my dad pointed out that infact I was part of the squad! I’m just ready to get playing!”
Continue reading Scottish Cup winner Kara Called Up for West of Scotland.


On Thursday 25th September 2014, over 700 pupils and staff of Dunoon Grammar School participated in the Karra Downie charity fun run. Pupils across the school collected sponsors, Alana Scott, Claire Black, Caitie & Sam Esler and Lee Sharp all raised the most amount of money and will be receiving a medal for their efforts.

All the money raised was collected to make an exceptional total of over £9,500.


DGS Success at Inverclyde Cross Country Championships

Pupils at Dunoon Grammar School are celebrating success at the recent Inverclyde Cross Country Championships held earlier this month in Birkmyre Park, Kilmacolm.
Second year twins Nuala and Cliona McCheyne finished first and second in the S2 race, with Niamh Doherty winning the S1 girl’s race and Alan Mollins claiming second in the S1 boys race.

Continue reading DGS Success at Inverclyde Cross Country Championships