Category Archives: Eco Schools

Pupil Council Evening Glenbranter Visit

Last night, 5th of September, as part of their Eco School biodiversity mini project, Dunoon Primary’s new 2012/2013 Pupil Council had the wonderful opportunity to participate in an evening Bat Watch.

Ten pupils from P3-P7 had great fun learning about lots of different species of bats from all over the world at the Forestry Commission Glenbranter, Out Station

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Dalintober Primary Allotment

On Wednesday 20th June Dalintober PS officially ‘opened’ their leased allotment from ACHA at New Parliament Place, Campbeltown.   It was a lovely afternoon with lots of visitors – family, teachers and wider community – being shown round the allotment by members of the school Eco Group.   The pupils in the Eco-Group worked on the allotment with help from Chris and Ryan from the Community Garden and with Mrs McSporran and Miss Brown.

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Green Day for Bowmore Primary!

On the 13th June, Paula Love came to visit our school in Bowmore. If our school was free from litter and we were an ECO-friendly place, she would award us our 3rd fantastic Green Flag.
We had to show her around the school and our playground. Our nursery proudly showed Mrs Love their wonderful wormery and the P1/2 class took her on a lovely litter-pick. She also visited their glorious garden which would attract beautiful butterflies and interesting insects! Continue reading Green Day for Bowmore Primary!

Green Day at Dalintober Primary School

Dalintober Primary Schools’ Eco-Group and Committee planned a brilliant Green Day recently to raise funds for our Eco-School projects, with the help of Mrs McSporran and Miss Brown.   We all had to wear green.   Each class made a product for a stall and there was a cake raffle for a lovely cake made by one of our dinner ladies, Mrs McLatchie.   The dinner ladies also made a special lunch including green custard!  

Continue reading Green Day at Dalintober Primary School

Fourth Green Flag for Port Ellen Primary

Port Ellen is pleased to announce that we have managed to achieve our fourth green flag, awarded to us by Eco Schools Scotland.  Our Eco Committee have worked very hard all year, making posters and videos, cleaning the beach and school, doing the gardening and checking the pond and it is great to hear all the work has paid off. 

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Eco fashion at Appin Primary

An Eco Fashion Show was held in Strath of Appin Primary organised by the school’s Eco Committee. 44 outfits were shown off by 15 models. All the models wore recycled clothes, donated by families and friends of the school. The school has had a focus on re-cycling as part of its Eco Schools programme this session.

Please have a look at our slideshow!… Continue reading Eco fashion at Appin Primary

Port Ellen Beach Clean

On Friday afternoon the whole school took part in a beach clean of our adopt a beach Leodamus Bay in Port Ellen. It was a lovely if windy afternoon, and the tide was very far out so we were able to access parts of the beach we do not normally manage, and gather a large quantity of rubbish. Apart from the usual suspects such as tyres and plastic string, we also cleared an old umbrella, boat rudder and half a canoe. Polly Mather, the Islay and Jura beach ranger, was there to help and provide the bags. In total we collected half a tonne of rubbish, earning the school a donation of £110 from REJIG. Well done everyone who took part! Continue reading Port Ellen Beach Clean


Hello, we are Primary 7  at Rosneath Primary School and we love learning in the great outdoors.  We call ourselves Rosneath Ramblers and every Wednesday we go out walking/hiking in different locations.
We would like to share our experiences with you.  We have already hiked from Rosneath to Kilcreggan and back.  We have been to the local woods – Clachan Glen and yesterday we hiked to The Trig Point in Kilcreggan.  When we are out and about we do various activities, enjoying in particular building shelters. Continue reading ROSNEATH RAMBLERS


Every Thursday after school volunteer pupils meet together and walk down to our local shore line.  Mr Campbell, our P5/4 class teacher and Miss Stevenson, our P1 class teacher take the pupils to the shore and spend about 45 minutes cleaning the beach.  So far we have been lucky with the weather and have collected quite a lot of flotsam and jetsam, some of which we have been able to send for recycling and the remainder has been disposed of.

Great Outdoors – Innellan Primary School

Outdoor Learning has got off to a fantastic start this spring at Innellan Primary School. Our now well established After School Gardening Club organised by Miss Eleanor Stevenson, retired teacher, Mrs Vicki Walkingshaw, Parent Council Chairperson and Mrs Susan Stephenson, class teacher, are seeing the great benefits of all their hard work done during the winter months. Their raised beds of vegetables and spring flowers are providing an attractive display of vibrant colours around the playground. Continue reading Great Outdoors – Innellan Primary School

Growing season underway at Southend

The growing season is underway at Southend Primary and when the weather was a bit warmer last week we took the opportunity to prepare the soil and get planting.  Our wormery was emptied and the lovely worms added to our veg patches. We had collected peas from last year’s crop so they were picked over and the best ones kept for sowing in a few weeks. Potatoes were planted in our deep troughs, carrots and lettuce were sown and we divided strawberry plants from last year and repotted them to produce lots of new healthy plants.

Continue reading Growing season underway at Southend

Southend celebrates Sports and Ecoschools

Southend Primary pupils have had a busy couple of days. Yesterday they completed their Sport Relief Mile with the help of Active Schools Co-ordinator, Robbie Kupris. The 12 pupils in Primary 4-7 raised a total of £233 for the event and the younger children cheered them on as they ran the course.
Earlier, pupils demonstrated their knowledge of CPR after a recent training event. They will be teaching parents at our Open Day about how to act quickly if a person collapses and stops breathing. Continue reading Southend celebrates Sports and Ecoschools

Rhu Primary School Third Green Flag

Written by Anna Ferguson – Primary 7

Rhu Primary School have been working towards their 3rd green flag for the past two years.  Success came on Thursday 26th January when they achieved their goal.  Pupils and staff were delighted and teachers shed tears of joy.
The Eco Committee held many meetings making sure the required criteria would be met, which was no easy feat. The challenge involved pupils, parents and the wider community.  Mrs. Mackay, Principal Teacher and Eco Coordinator said,
“It’s made me aware of being more eco friendly.”  This seems to be felt by the pupils too. Continue reading Rhu Primary School Third Green Flag