Category Archives: Communities

The Education Minister Outdoors

Stramash was delighted to welcome Michael Russell MSP , to view the projects and work of the organisation. He began the day by visiting the children at the outdoor nursery site to explore the site and discover more about the learning taking place within the early years setting outdoors. The children were very inquisitive to meet their special visitor!

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Janis Mackay, Scottish Children’s Book Awards author, visits Kirn Primary

Kirn Primary School were so lucky to welcome Janis Mackay, one of the authors whose book “The Accidental Time Traveller” is currently shortlisted for the Scottish Children’s Book Awards.

Janis came in to speak to our P6 and P7 pupils, who are reading the book as part of their ‘Milestones in Scottish History’ topic.

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St. Mun’s On Their Bikes

A group of Primary 7 children at St. Mun’s were recently presented with their well-earned i-cycle certificates at a whole school assembly.
The children who had undergone their training in Term 1, had to demonstrate their ability to ride safely on the road (displaying knowledge of the Highway Code), cycle maintenance and road user awareness, as well as passing a written multiple choice test. Well done everyone.

Colgrain support Scotland at the Emirates Stadium

On 14th January, the Colgrain netball club travelled to the brand new Commonwealth Stadium in Glasgow to support the Scotland International team. The Scottish Ferns Netball team were playing the reigning commonwealth champions The New Zealand Ferns in an exciting and quick paced match at the Emirates Stadium!
Although the Ferns won 63 – 26, the pupils from Colgrain were always in good spirits, always encouraging the Thistles to do well with chants of ‘Come on Scotland’ and Mexican waves.
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“Souper” Clan Challenge at Strath of Appin Primary School

Happy New Year
All three clans in the school certainly rose to the challenge of creating their own pots of soup for the Soup Clan Challenge. There was a hive of activity as Clan Linnhe prepared Winter minestrone soup, Clan Creran prepared tomato and carrot soup and Clan Laich, creamy carrot and coriander. The children really got a lot out of this challenge and it was pleasing to see them use the practical skills that Alex Needham from the Waterfront Restaurant had demonstrated a few weeks earlier.

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School students “Experience Christmas” at Dunoon Grammar School.

Just before the end of last term the first year pupils at DGS had the opportunity to encounter the Christmas story from the bible through a series of interactive stations. The stations were presented by volunteers from local Dunoon churches, and covered stories such as the shepherds near Bethlehem being greeted by an angel, the journey of Mary and Joseph for a Roman census and the wisdom and gifts of the wise men.

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Dalintober PS Allotment wins ACHA ‘Garden In Boom 2013’ Competition

Dalintober Primary School pupils and staff were delighted to hear that they had been awarded first prize in Argyll Community Housing Association’s ‘Garden In Bloom 2013’ competition. Members of the Mid Argyll & Kintyre Area Committee scored allotments independently and Dalintober’s allotment was judged the best. Members of the Eco-Group, staff and parent and partners have all helped to maintain the allotment, growing a wide range of fruit and vegetables which has been used in school meals and for ‘Green Days’.

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DPS Fundraising at Morrisons!

Dunoon Primary School took the opportunity to collect funds for ‘Text Santa’ at our local Morrisons Supermarket. The enthusiastic pupils packed the festive shoppers bags to raise funds for the charity. They also set up their own fundraising stall at the back of the checkouts and asked shoppers to take part in the various prize winning events such as ‘Guess the number of sweets in the jar’ & ‘Guess the Birthday’ . The money raised will go towards the transition weekend to Benmore Outdoor Centre for Primary 7. The pupils thoroughly enjoyed this new challenge! Well done. Continue reading DPS Fundraising at Morrisons!

Dalintober Primary Entertain the Elderly

Primary 7 pupils from Dalintober Primary spent two days on a Christmas Roadshow. Their objective was to entertain elderly men and women from the local hospital, care homes and sheltered accommodation.
They were appreciated by their audiences who thoroughly enjoyed their performances. Following each performance the pupils talked to all in attendance and wished them a Merry Christmas.
Well done Primary 7!

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Lochgilphead Joint Campus, Congratulations to Rachael

Congratulations to S4 Int 1 Skills for Work Hair pupil Rachael MacIndeor who competed in Argyll College’s annual hair competition. Rachael came 2nd place in the Hair Up category, competing against both full time and Skills for Work students. She received her certificate at the award ceremony at Argyll College in Oban on Wednesday 18th December

A fantastic achievement. Well done Rachael.

5th Green Flag for Strachur Primary School

The children of Strachur Primary School are very pleased and proud to tell everyone that they have been awarded their 5th green flag. They were able to demonstrate their continuing commitment to eco issues through topics in school and working with the community in the local environment.

Rockfield Primary School Gets Talking!

An exciting new initiative for P1 pupils and their families in Rockfield Primary School, Oban has got everyone talking!
Talk Bags – a series of themed bags full of fun resources – are now going home weekly to be played with by P1 pupils and family members. Talk Bags are designed to encourage children to develop their verbal literacy skills in order to support them as they learn to read and write. The need for children to be able to ‘say it before they read it or write it’ is a fundamental element of language development. Continue reading Rockfield Primary School Gets Talking!

Kilmartin P.S. Christmas Gifts for the Local Community

It was more like the ‘Great British Bake-Off’ in school the other day when everybody rolled their sleeves up to bake the most delicious cinnamon and raisin shortbread to give as a Christmas gift to senior citizens in our local community. The aroma wafted through the whole school. Altogether the children baked 168 pieces of shortbread before parceling them up in beautiful Christmas gift bags with handmade tags. Today, the shortbread will be delivered to the hotel where senior citizens will be gathering to have a Christmas lunch. Continue reading Kilmartin P.S. Christmas Gifts for the Local Community

Chae Strathie Comes to Kirn Primary for Book Week Scotland

We were so excited when Chae Strathie, the children’s author who is currently shortlisted for the Scottish Children’s Book Award with his book ‘Jumblebum’ visited Kirn Primary School for Book Week Scotland!

Pre-5, P1 and P2 classes all listened as Chae read his new book (one of the three books in the running to win the Scottish Children’s Book Award), joined him in creating a monster and joining in with Chae’s songs.

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Lochdonhead Primary Community Café

On Monday the 9th of December, we held a very festive community café in our school. We invited several guests along to do some Christmas craft demonstrations. We had Mike Swift doing wreath making using natural materials, Tricia Evans making gift boxes and prior to the event, Sue Dewar came in to do Christmas cake decorating with us, and we sold what we made with her at our café.
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Taynuilt Primary School Craft Fayre

Children, teachers and parents worked very hard to create many beautiful and practical crafts, gifts, baking and confectionery which were sold at our Craft Fayre on Thursday. The staff and children organised the afternoon, working together to set up the hall, welcome the parents and sell their items. It was almost a total sell out, raising over £600 for school funds and charity.”

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Keills Primary Celebrates Book Week Scotland

The week started with a very engaging Book Bug session presented by Lynda Cooper. Our Pre 5 children and parents thoroughly enjoyed participating in story telling, singing and sharing their favourite books.

On Tuesday Ann Pilley organised and supplied us with a great selection of books kindly loaned for the day by C&E Roys. This gave the children the opportunity to enjoy the experience of browsing and reading a range of genre.

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