Category Archives: Communities

Rockfield’s Got Talent

Over the last eight weeks pupils of Rockfield Primary School have been organising a spectacular show. Primary7/6/5G and Primary 6 have put on an amazing school talent show for the community. The acts wowed the judges (Mr Degnan, Miss McKerrell and Mrs MacIntyre) with their huge amount of talent. We had a brilliant host from Oban High School and his name was Mr McKenna. We filled in application forms, stating which group we would like to be in.

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Dunoon Grammar School – Loch Fyne Oysters Visit

Two S3 Hospitality classes visited Loch Fyne Oysters and saw where the oysters and mussels were produced and packaged ready for sale locally and around the world. The classes then visited the Restaurant and Oyster Bar where they enjoyed a presentation and an opportunity to try different varieties of smoked salmon, bradan rost and oysters.

The photograph shows pupils being shown the machine that sorts the mussels out in relation to their size.

First Fun Friday at St. Joseph’s Pre-5 Unit

St. Joseph’s Pre-5 Unit has been up and running now since August 2013. Following a recent parent survey, the staff were delighted to learn that parents were very happy with the provision, staff and curriculum. One suggestion from parents was to have a regular open afternoon which the staff readily developed. Friday 04 April, 2014 was the first of such events and parents attended in their droves.

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Positive Ethos starts at School Gate at St Joseph’s!

The very essence of the first of the four contexts for learning in CfE ‘Ethos and the life of the school’ begins at the school gate of St Joseph’s with janitor, Mr Stewart Maule. Mr Maule is a much loved janitor by the children and his jolly nature keeps all stakeholders smiling. The last day of school this term was a perfect example of this. Each person coming into school was received by Mr Maule wearing his usual smile but, this time, also a large Easter Egg costume!

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Ardrishaig School Shout!

Lots of news from Ardrishaig Primary……….
Skipping for the British Heart Foundation
On Friday 21st March, staff and pupils took part in a sponsored skip-athon to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. Children had practised skipping as part of their P.E. lessons in the run up to the event and then took part in a variety of skipping events during the day itself, culminating in a whole school mass skip at lunchtime. Continue reading Ardrishaig School Shout!

St Joseph’s Choir join LoCCo for a Community Performance

Saturday 29 March, 2014 was a ‘first’ for St Joseph’s Primary School choir. Aptly named ‘St Joseph’s Dynamic Diamonds’, the children sang for the first time with LoCCo – Lomond and Clyde Community Orchestra – for the community of Helensburgh at the Victoria Halls.

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St Joseph’s Scoop The Double…..AGAIN!

Entries for the Helensburgh Rotary Club Young Photographer Competition 2014 were judged on 22 March, 2014 and St Joseph’s came out tops….for the second year running! Last year St Joseph’s had two winners in the Junior Category and this year again we had two prize winners in the Junior Section; one child won (age 7) third prize with one child (age 9) taking the top prize.

Continue reading St Joseph’s Scoop The Double…..AGAIN!

Samba drumming at Glassary

Glassary Primary samba drumming performance by P4-6
At our Samba drumming with Steven MacNally, we learned different rhythms. My one was look high look high LOOK HIGH! There were four different instruments. We used Kashishi, Agogo bells tambourim and Sourdo. On Wednesday the 26th February 2014 we performed in front of our friends, family, and the younger class. Thank you Steven, we had so much fun.
By Aleena Qumar (Pupil).

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Coffee Afternoon at Luing Primary

Luing Primary School held a Fairtrade Coffee Afternoon on Thursday 6th March in aid of RNLI. Parents and members of the local community provided a delicious variety of cakes and biscuits, and a comprehensively stocked Fairtrade stall did great business.
Our visitors were treated to a first rendition of some new songs by Ukulele Luing, though the tempo of the tunes increased near the end, when the cakes became available! After only a couple of hours the hugely impressive amount of £137.68 was raised for the RNLI.

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Models In The Making at DPS!!

Pupils, parents and staff of Dunoon Primary School walked the catwalk at the local M & Co store on Thursday evening. The school’s PTA had organised the event to raise money for school trips. The models chose their outfits beforehand and delighted the audience as they wore a range of trendy smart and casual clothes. The sell out event was a huge success and raised over £500 which will no doubt be put to good use next term! Well done everyone – cant wait until next time!

Continue reading Models In The Making at DPS!!

Traditional Toys from The Toy Shop!

Primary 1 at Cardross had an exciting afternoon testing traditional toys as part of their topic. Fiona from The Toy Shop in Helensburgh kindly gave up her afternoon to introduce the pupils to the toys. It was a wonderful afternoon and we are very grateful to Fiona for her input.

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Park Primary 3 Protect an Acre of the Rainforest!

In the Autumn Primary 3 in Park Primary School undertook an interdisciplinary study on The Tropical Rainforest and as part of this they compared the local temperate rainforest, Dunollie Woods, to the tropical Amazon Rainforest. As a final outcome for their learning the whole class took part in an informative assembly at the end of November which was performed in front of the other children as well as any family members who wanted to come along. At the end of the assembly donations were collected and have now been used to protect an acre of the Rainforest through the Rainforest Concern Organisation.

E-Safety for Parents event

Do you…
• Worry about what your children are doing online?
• Know how to stay safe online?
• Know how to keep your children safe online?
• Have e-safety questions that you would like answering?
• Need help to make sure that you stay safe online?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above ………………. Continue reading E-Safety for Parents event

Dalintober PS Pupils Thank Community

Pupils of Dalintober PS have written an open letter to ‘The Campbeltown Courier’ and personally delivered letters to local shopkeepers thanking them for supporting a fundraising activity for Campbeltown Christmas Lights Group. ‘Penny Jars’, designed by the pupils, were on display in local shops and shoppers were encouraged to throw any loose change in to the jars. In only two weeks a grand total of £512.61 was raised. The pupils will be putting the jars back in to shops following the February break in the build-up to this year’s ‘Switch-on’.

Dunoon Grammar School Badminton Winners

A number of our pupils took part in the Annual Argyll and Bute Schools badminton championships last week. Our pupils were a credit to Dunoon Grammar School. Their standard of play was exceptional and they returned with a number of titles.

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Lochgilphead Joint Campus: Run, Parents, Run!!

This year’s Campus Fun Run is fast approaching; medals have been ordered, marshalls are being recruited and Clyde, the Glasgow 2014 mascot, has been booked to present the prizes. The Fun Run usually attracts about 400 entrants making it one of the biggest running events in Argyll and this year we would like to make it even bigger by inviting parents to compete for the first time. Continue reading Lochgilphead Joint Campus: Run, Parents, Run!!

Dalintober Primary School; Mary Queen of Scots topic

Dalintober Primary 6 pupils treated their parents and relatives to a Scottish themed concert to celebrate the end of their Mary Queen of Scots interdisciplinary topic. The pupils were fully responsible for the planning and organising of the event. The guests were treated to a variety of musical performances which included solos and duets from brass instrumentalists, drummers, a chanter player and a violinist. The concert ended with the class singing two Scottish favourites, ‘Will Ye Go Lassie Go’ and ‘Caledonia’.
Continue reading Dalintober Primary School; Mary Queen of Scots topic

Dunoon Primary School Open Afternoon Antics!

On Thursday Primary 3 held an Ancient Egypt Open Afternoon. There was a fabulous turnout of parents, grandparents and siblings. The children of P3 led their visitors round the five activities including puzzles, problem solving, inventing and playing Ancient Egyptian games. Everyone enjoyed their wonderful afternoon and overall our classroom was a place of shared learning, engagement and lots of laughter! Continue reading Dunoon Primary School Open Afternoon Antics!