Category Archives: Events

Easdale Primary Remembrance

easdale-remembrance-3-nov-2016Helen Glennie, Ron Hetherington and Colonel Tim Sinclair came into give us a talk on Remembrance and showed us a display. Helen told us about some of the people who were from Seil, Easdale and Luing who died in World War 1. Tim told us about why we do remembrance and what it is for as well as why we wear poppies. Tim came in his uniform and told us about his medals and rank.

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Minard PS Win CRNS School Challenge

minard-crns-4-conference-2016This month Minard Primary fought off stiff competition from across Scotland to win a national competition for its innovative ways of making waste go for further.
Instead of using traditional recycling methods for disposing of waste paper, pupils at Minard Primary School have been turning it into recycled paper briquettes which can then be used in the community as fuel. As a result of this ingenious idea, Minard Primary was crowned the winner of the Community Resources Network Scotland (CRNS) School Challenge Competition.
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sandbank-any-excuse-to-dress-up-1Sandbank Primary became a place of confusion on Monday 31st Oct.!
With staff and students enjoying a day in costume, no one was quite sure who was really who! We think everything has returned to normal now; vampires vanished, batman returned to the bat cave and the undead laid to rest. Staff have managed to remove most of their glitter and makeup!

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Hallowe’en at Strachur Primary and Pre-5 Auto

strachur-halloween-4-nov-2016Well we had a ball last week for Hallowe’en at school. Everyone dressed up as you can see from our pictures. Prizes were awarded to Finlay (Ghostbuster), Sophie (clown), Leo (the Joker), Morven (zombie bride), Hamish (a pumpkin) and Alleah (Spidergirl). Staff were dressed up too – even Mr Campbell our chanter tutor!

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Scottish Parliament Outreach at Strachur

strachur-scottish-parliament-1-nov-2016Primary 5/6/7 were delighted to welcome Miss Mairead Mackechnie, Education Officer from the Scottish Parliament, into the class for an afternoon workshop. They have been learning about the topic for the last two weeks and this workshop was very helpful.

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‘The Legend of the Golden Dragon’ & ‘The Da Vinci Trio’ at Castlehill

castlehill-golden-dragon-1The children of Castlehill Primary school enjoyed a super performance by West Midlands Children’s Theatre Company on Friday 4th November. The Legend of the Golden Dragon had the children in suspense and Jamie and Rachel took part in the performance and played their parts brilliantly.

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Spooky Goings on at Rockfield Primary!

rockfield-halloween-1-2016Rockfield Primary School PTA held two Hallowe’en discos on Thursday 27th October 2016. The pupils were wearing wonderful costumes and had made a huge effort in order to celebrate Hallowe’en! Some of the staff joined in too and were even scarier than usual! Many thanks go to the PTA and the staff for decorating the hall and organising the games, which ensured that the night was a great success!

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Rockfield Rocks Fasanta!

rockfield-fasanta-1A number of pupils in P4,5,6 and 7 took part in Castle to Catwalk, a costume design competition for schools in and around Oban, run by Dunollie Projects Ltd, as part of their Fasanta Festival of Fashion and Textiles.
The winning three designs were made into real wearable costumes by Dunollie’s volunteer Threads and Yarn group and were paraded on stage at their Annual Fasanta Community Catwalk in the Corran Halls on Saturday 22nd October 2016.

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Glasgow Science Centre Visit Strachur Primary

strachur-science-centre-6Strachur Primary pupils (and a few of our pre-5!) were delighted to have visitors from Glasgow Science Centre on Tuesday to teach us about how our bodies use oxygen.

Primary 1-4 participated in a workshop called ‘Go, Oxygen, Go!’ and P5-7 had ‘Get Active’. We found out where oxygen comes from, how it enters our body, how the body transfers it to our blood and it’s journey to our muscles. We took part in lots if fun experiments and learned many interesting facts.
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Willow Lantern-making twilight session

The Oban & Lorn satellite group of Argyll OWL (Outdoor & Woodland Learning) Group are hosting a willow lantern making session at Barcaldine Primary School this week.

Anyone interested in the workshop and outdoor & woodland learning is invited to come along at 4.30pm to have a chance not only to make lanterns but discover what the OWL group can do to help promote outdoor learning.

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P6 Harvest Tea

cardross-p6-harvest-tea-3Last term Primary 6 in Cardross were thinking a lot about how they could help the local community and town during Harvest time. Everyday they collected tins and packets of food from the whole school for the Food Bank in Helensburgh, they were overwhelmed by everyone’s kind generosity.Primary 6 were also the hosts for the Senior Citizen Harvest tea and this year we decided to create ‘ Super Soup’ parcels for them to take home and enjoy.

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