Virtual Gaelic taster sessions

Jackie Mullen, one of the tutors for the national Gaelic Language in the Primary School (GLPS) course, will provide two taster sessions for beginners on Tuesday the 29th October and Tuesday the 5th November, from 4.05-5.30pm. These sessions will provide a fun introduction to simple Gaelic phrases that you can use with your learners in class. You can access the sessions from your classroom using Google Meet. If you are interested in attending please contact

Local Gaelic Learners in the Primary School Course

 GLPS is coming to you

Jan Kersel, one of the tutors for the national GLPS course will provide GLPS training in Inveraray.

2 days beginners’ training-  18th Sept 2019 & 2nd Oct 2019

2 days follow-on training- 15th and 29th January 2020

This is a fantastic opportunity to access GLPS without traveling to Stirling for 18 days training. This training provides an accessible alternative. This condensed version will provide an introduction to Gaelic in the primary. Contact Gwen McCrossan-  to enrol on this course.

Education Scotland Professional Learning Events

Oban High School- Wednesday 28th August, 1600-1730

Lochgilphead Joint Campus- Thursday 29th August, 1600-1730

Education Scotland will deliver sessions which focus on progression from first to second level in languages with reference to the recently published guidance on the National Improvement Hub: This resource brings together all the national documentation practitioners need to plan and deliver language learning. Please contact Gwen McCrossan to register for these events.

National Digital Learning Week 2019

National Digital Learning Week is a weeklong event led by Education Scotland to give pupils and teachers in all local authorities across Scotland the opportunity to take part in five curriculum focused challenges in STEM, Social Studies, Expressive Arts, Literacy and Numeracy.

This year the event will take place 13 – 17 May.

Education Scotland’s aim is to reach all early learning and childcare centres and schools across Scotland to let them know about the event.

To help you get involved and get started, a pack of support materials has been produced by Education Scotland.  In this pack, which can be downloaded below, you will find: key messages; suggested promotional text for websites, e-bulletins and publications; social media posts; a promotional video and a promotional flyer.

You can download the pack here: NDLW19 Stakeholder Comms Pack Final

Here’s a 2 minute video that tells you everything you need to know about the event.


St Andrew’s Primary – VE Day

Today is Victory in Europe Day and a very proud moment in St Andrew’s history as our P6/7 children were invited to attend the memorial service, the reflection on the sacrifice of so many, and the twinning of Bute branch of Royal British Legion with Skipton British Legion.
Curriculum for Excellence came to life for our children in a very real and meaningful way, as they marched, prayed and honoured the fallen and those left to entrust their memory on to a new generation.

“Take One Picture”

The Creative Learning in Schools Team (CAST) have been piloting a project in primary schools in Kintyre, “Take One Picture” installing artworks from the Argyll Collection in six schools to inspire cross curricular creative learning. Pupils and teachers from Carradale, Castlehill, Dalintober, Drumlemble, Gigha and Rhunahaorine Primaries have been working with artists Sian MacQueen, Nicole Heidtke and Stefan Bamberger and dancer Tony Mills to create new work inspired by the artworks, taking part in workshops on conductive printmaking, relief sculpture, dance, digital sculpture, life drawing, shadow puppetry, collage and painting.
Continue reading “Take One Picture”

Get Creative Music CPDs May 2019

Are you interested in developing your skills in delivering music in the classroom?

As part of the Youth Music Initiative, the Creative Arts in Schools Team (CAST) have run CPD sessions in 2018-9 using Get Creative, a new music resource for primary school teachers full of creative ideas, activities and learning outcomes to enable you to deliver musical activities with your class, regardless of your musical experience.

Continue reading Get Creative Music CPDs May 2019

Mother Tongue Other Tongue Poetry Competition

Well done to Melody Elizabeth Clark-Want from Port Charlotte Primary School. Melody’s poem was highly recommended in the ‘Other Tongue’ category of this national multi-lingual poetry competition.

For this poem I used Gaelic and English. I used English because it is the first language I ever learned and is what I use to write in all the time and feel most easy writing in. The reason I wrote in Gaelic is because it is one of the the languages people use on the place I live in and love.  I also wrote in Gaelic because it was the first language of my grandfather who used to teach me Gaelic, I wrote in Gaelic to thank him for teaching me. Click here to read Melody’s poem. Click here to read the full Anthology.


St Joseph’s so proud of Top Student in Argyll and Bute

Sumdog is well embedded in St Joseph’s with children voraciously going on-line at home and school to take part in competitions on the website. At St Joseph’s Sumdog is used for Maths and the children simply love it! One of our P7 pupils is particularly good. On 7 March, 2019 Iona managed to rank as number 4 out of 21837 pupils on Sumdog then on 21 March, 2019 she was the top student in Argyll and Bute!! On that particular week she had been on her residential week at Auchengillan so only had Friday night and Saturday to steam ahead of all the other pupils to take first place!
Iona is not alone in her success with P2 winning class of the week this month too………what a great achievement for all concerned!

St Andrew’s Primary School (World Down Syndrome Day)

Our HT Miss Seery introduced the teaching of Makaton and BSL and the children LOVE it. They sing and sign simultaneously and it is wonderful to listen to and watch. It has become a normal part of our school week so we don’t really think it’s out of the ordinary.

Continue reading St Andrew’s Primary School (World Down Syndrome Day)

Strachur P4-7 wins second prize in National French competition

Click HERE to see Strachur Primary School’s fantastic performance.

Every year, the French Institute of Scotland organises ‘le concours de la francophonie’: a national French drama competition for learners across Scotland. This competition is designed to value creativity in French and allow a large participation of all primary and secondary schools. Learners are invited to film a short piece, dialogue, song, or play in French. The competition is organised in two phases: local authorities choose their local champions and then a national jury selects the winners.