Reflective Spaces Workshops

Lots of classes have taken part in “Reflective Spaces” workshops on the Value of the Month – Patience. These were run by Darren from the Chaplaincy Team. There was a range of activities that pupils could choose from to help them to think about this value in more depth. These workshops will complement our Values Education programme and will run once a month this session, with alternate classes taking part each time.

Fantastic Times in P4a! Week beginning 3.10.16.

This week in P4a we have been learning about The Water Cycle. We talked about our evaporation and condensation experiment and then watched some film clips about The Water Cycle. We drew labelled diagrams of it in our jotters and we even made a big poster using collage for the wall.

We took part in money-related activities with our parents and carers during Terrific Tuesday, for example games on the computers and a Fruit Smoothie challenge. These activities will continue next week during Money Week. We have been learning to measure in millilitres and litres and to read scales to the nearest 100ml. It has been fun exploring this at the water tray. We are still working on place value of a number and building our understanding of bigger numbers.

In P.E. we did a Beep Test where we had to run between targets and try to get faster and faster. Also in tennis, we enjoyed practising our skills with a partner outside in the sunshine. We learned backhand and serve this week.

In writing, we have learned to use a vertical plan to plan our stories in three parts. Our imaginative story was about going on an adventure with a giant and was inspired by the BFG. We also read lots of poems with the theme “messages” on National Poetry Day. The poem we studied was “Cracking the Code” by Ciara McLaverty and was about giving a message to squirrels. We enjoyed writing our own poems based on this poem and we tried to add rhyming words and follow the same pattern.

In French we have been revising basic greetings and asking how someone is feeling. We practised these things with a partner. We also located France and Paris on a map and learned more about the city of Paris.

Fantastic times in P4a!


P3b have a had a super week this week! We are loving our Katie Morag topic and learning all about life on an island. We have been learning about the characters and also using the atlas to search for the Island of Coll, which is where Katie Morag’s fictional island of Struay is based on! We also looked at Google Earth, searching for Livingston and Coll!

In maths we have been partitioning hundreds, tens and ones and we getting more and more confident with every activity! In literacy we have been developing our dictionary skills and applying our knowledge of ‘alphabetical order’. We have even started making our own P3b class dictionary!
Ask us to sing the French numbers song too, we have actions to build to 20!

P3a – 7.10.16

We have had another busy week in Primary 3a. We are really enjoying our new Katie Morag topic. We have been learning more about islands and now know that the Isle of Struay is based on the island of Coll. We are now able to find Coll and Livingston on a map of Scotland. We also started to write letters to Katie Morag.

In numeracy, we have been learning about doubles and have shared the different strategies we can use to find the answer. We have also been learning about sorting and displaying information using Venn diagrams.

Gavin from the Scripture Union came into school today to lead an assembly all about “patience”. Can you think of a time when you had to be patient?


This week in Primary One

We have now been introduced to all the sounds of the alphabet and are practising lots ahead of our assessment next week. Please help us to learn our sounds and build words at home.

We have been learning about the seasons of the year and love listening to the Pancake manor Seasons song. If you are out for a walk this weekend perhaps you could look for signs and clues that tell us it is Autumn?

Our new number of the week is 11. Can you go on a number hunt around the house or local area to find it? Maybe someone can take a picture of you beside the number 11 and upload it to our blog?

P7b 7.10.16

This week was a very busy and exciting week in P7. On Monday afternoon we had boxercise aerobics for PE and we had a question and answer session about camp.

On Tuesday we started researching for our debate about Democracy and Dictatorship. We also completed a team building activity with the people who we are sharing a dorm with when we are at camp. We enjoyed our ispend activity where we learned more about comparing costs and the importance of budgeting.

Wednesday was a very exciting day for P7 because we visited James young High School and took part in The German adventure! We teamed up with pupils from Bellsquarry and S1 pupils. In the afternoon we had our Dictatorship VS Democracy debate. Both sides made excellent points and arguments.

On Thursday we did the bleep test with Mr Muldoon. Everyone tried very hard and most of the class beat their last score. Well Done! It was also National Poetry Day so we responded creatively to a chosen poem.

On Friday We had an assembly on patience, our value of the month, with Gavin from Scripture Union!

Almost everyone in P7 is going to camp and we are feeling so excited about it! Some people are having a fun week back here at school and will be helping in the infants and completing a personal project.

That’s all for now!
Goodbye from P7b and Miss Brown

(Blog post by Olivia and Kayleigh)

Money Challenge

Primary six have been learning about money in maths. We had a challenge to buy food to last four people for a week including a baby and a seven year old. To complete this challenge we worked in groups and had to research different supermarkets in order to get the best deals. We had a budget of £75 and very specific items to buy for a fussy family! This was more challenging than we thought but we had lots of fun along the way. We developed research skills, working within a budget, adding totals with decimal points and working within a team! What a busy week in maths we have had!

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