Category Archives: Classes

Month of May Exercise Log

Good Morning everyone.

At this mornings assembly Ms Stutt is going to talk about being active. This is a document that we would like you to complete for the month of May, to record all your physical activity.

Month of May Exercise Log Form

When you have completed it if you return it to –

and we can give you house points for each activity you have completed.

Good luck and I hope you have  a lovely long weekend.

Mrs Browne

Nursery Sway 30-4-20

Good Morning

Here is something new for you to look at  “Our Nursery Team” {see if you recognise anyone?}


Westfield Nursery Sway 2020
We are always very busy at nursery
Go to this Sway

Click on “go to this sway”, Then click on “play” button top right hand corner


Our story today is Dragons in the City


Song for today If Your Happy and You Know it




Make your own picture using paint, paper, glue or anything you can find

Have fun