Category Archives: Classes

Nursery 02.06.2020

Good Morning everyone,

I hope your having a good start to your week with this lovely weather.


Today’ story is BE QUIET MIKE By Leslie Patricelli.


loud and quiet activity

Activity 2- What object  in your house can you use  to make the loudest noise?

I would love to see pictures of  you with the object you are using to make the loudest noise… feel free to share your pictures on your learners journeys with the nursery staff.


Loud and Quiet Song.


I hope you enjoy today’s loud and quiet activities.

Stay Inspired

This week Westfield is posting an alternative type of learning known as INSPIRED. It consists of open-ended challenges that you have the whole week to complete. This means you have the freedom to do it in any way you think best and are free to take it as far as you want!
Ms Young has simplified the challenges for P1&2 you will find this on the Sway link below:

Go to this Sway


Nursery Thursday 28th May

Hello Boys and Girls

I hope that you are all  enjoying the lovely weather! Here is an activity that I have done at home with my son I hope you all enjoy.

Remember you can send photos, pictures to the school email address.  We look forward to seeing some of your pictures. Keeping with the topic of shadows I have chosen a story called  “The day I Met My Shadow” hope you enjoy.

Keep safe everyone hope to see you all soon!


P1&2 Learning Activities 28-5-20

Happy Thursday!

Please find today’s learning attached for parents still unable to access the Online Learning Journals.

Primary 1

Learning activities 28-5-20 A

Primary 2

Learning activities 28-5-20 B

Superworm Maths


2D shape mat

2D shapes

3D shape mat


Go to this Sway

P1 & 2 Learning Activities 27-5-20

Happy Wednesday!

Some of you have still not logged into the learning Journals, if you have not received your password email check your spam folder, if there is no sign of the email please contact the school so we can help.

In the meanwhile please find the links to today’s learning below

Today’s learning activities
Primary 1

A Learning activities 27-5-20

Primary 2

Learning activities 27-5-20 B

Letter mat


Writing template


Numeracy and maths
Superworm counting


Add equal groups


Make Arrays



Answers Add-equal-groups-2020-merged


Nursery 27-05-20

Morning All,


Today’s Story is Big and Small Written By Elizabeth Bennett.



Find big and small objects around your house. Who has the biggest shoes and who has the smallest shoes in your house.



Opposites- Word Power Song


I hope you enjoy today’s big and small activities.