Category Archives: Classes

P1/2 Weekly learning

P1/2 have been busy writing a ” I am thankful for….” story and learning more of the alphabet and tricky words. In maths they have been learning more numbers and counting and adding with them. During drama they have been acting as a fox and a giant. They are still learning about farms in IDL but have been learning more about animals on the farm.

Nursery: Wednesday 16th September

This morning, the messy room was busy with clocks and numbers and cars and animals kept people busy in the big room. When we were playing outside, we used the big dice and played a number game where we had to find the number chalked on the floor that matched the number of spots on the dice.

In the afternoon, Quinn’s mum baked gingerbread with all the children. What a lovely smell permeated all the areas! There was still time to play outside, showing safe play, and carry out our Humpty Dumpty egg investigation.

Nursery: Tuesday 15th September

What another lovely sunny day! We were printing numbers at the painting table, making clocks at the gluing table and building wall for Humpty Dumpty using bricks. We had a lot of time to play outdoors and show that we know how to play safely. At group time in the morning, we investigated the difference between cooked and uncooked eggs. Gooey and interesting fun.

Global Citizenship Assembly

Well Done to the Global Citizenship Committee who held their first assembly of the year. It was nice to see some parents/grandparents coming along to watch. The members of the committee spoke about the Syrian Refugee Crisis and have asked us to bring in donations of toothpaste and shampoo to add to toilet bags which have been donated to enable us to send them to help some refugees.  We reflected on how lucky we are and sang “We are the world.”

Monday 14th September

Both AM and PM boys and girls have been learning the rhyme Hickory Dickory Dock today. We talked about a very old Grandmother clock which Mrs Fletcher brought in to show us, we listened very carefully to it say ‘tick, tock’. We talked about the rhyming words. We made clocks at the glueing and sticking table.

AM children did some drama today, we were using the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and pretending to be Jack and the Giant!

PM children did music today, we tried to keep a steady beat just like a clock using different parts of our body – clapping hands, tapping knees, clicking fingers etc. Some children were interested in Fire Engines so we heard a story about Fireman Sam.

Friday 11th September

The boys and girls were making the most of the lovely weather and we had most of our session outside in the nursery garden. We played What’s the time Mr Wolf ? which was great fun. Mrs Keenan, the music teacher, came into nursery and we played singing and action games. We heard the story about Jack and the bean stalk. We played the bear and the honey pot.

Thursday 10th September

Today the morning and afternoon children did gym in the hall. We played traffic lights where they had to listen carefully for the instructions. We practised our throwing and catching skills using the beanbags and played a game called ‘toast’. At the end of the lesson we tried to throw the beanbags onto a target. We are learning to find a space of our own and  listen to instructions in the gym hall. AM and PM children continued to make Humpty Dumpty pictures and sing the nursery rhyme.

In group time we asked the children what they liked about nursery and what they would like to see in nursery that we are not already doing.

Another lovely day for outside play. We are learning to keep safe while playing outside.