Category Archives: Classes

Nursery: Wednesday 9th September

In the morning, children spent a lot of time enjoying the different areas in the nursery, building sandcastles, designing Humpty Dumpty characters for display and building models.

In the afternoon, we went to the hall and tried out the dance moves the morning children were taught yesterday. The children were excellent dancers and most also had a shot of drumming using the cajon drums.  An extra treat in the afternoon was when the P1/2 pupils came in to share some of their alternative Humpty Dumpty poems.

Nursery: Tuesday 8th September

This morning, the children enjoyed a dance lesson given to them by instructor Andy. He taught them some very cool Latin moves based on Brazilian capoeira.

In the afternoon, the boys and girls spent much of their time outside enjoying the bikes and the climbing frame. The plants are also well watered now thanks to a busy group of children.

We have been singing Humpty Dumpty and many children have made Humpty characters which are now sitting on a wall on our display in the Messy room.

Monday 7th September

Today at Nursery we started our new topic on Nursery Rhymes and stories. We were learning the rhyme Humpty Dumpty – maybe you would like to practice it at home. The AM children made Humpty Dumpty faces at the glueing and sticking table. There was lovely sunshine today to enjoy using the toys outside – we watered the plants as they need a drink too. The AM children did some drama using the story the Gingerbread Man. Both AM and PM children listened to a rhyming story and sang nursery rhymes.

P1 And 2s Learning

P1 and 2 topic is farming and they are really enjoying it. They are also learning the sounds t,p and g.

In maths they are matching numbers up to 100 and copying numbers up to five.

They have also been learning how to use scissors by drawing their hands and cutting them out. They have been playing with jigsaws and drawing pictures and  learning and playing on the laptops.

By Ryan and Chloe


Nursery: Wednesday 2nd September

This morning we played outside, mainly on the bikes and on the pirate ship. Afterwards, we sang songs about the number 5, including Five Current Buns, Five Little Speckled Frogs and Five Little Ducks.

In the afternoon, several children shared the iPad, using the timer to know when it was the next person’s turn. We had time in the hall so we did drama. We were pretending to be different mini beasts, including butterflies, centipedes, frogs and bees. As well as thinking about how they’d move, we had to think about the noises they would make.

Nursery: Tuesday 1st September

The sun shone for us today so most of the morning and afternoon was spent outside playing in the garden. More potatoes were found which was a surprise! There was a lot of time spent in the sand tray digging for treasure and the pirate ships, large and small, led to lots of imaginative play.

In the afternoon, most of the children painted a self-portrait so these are now on display ready for all to see. We read stories together in small groups then as a large group, we sang action songs including A Sailor went to Sea and Incy Wincy Spider.

Nursery: Monday August 31st

Today the morning children loved our new Pirate theme. We played in a pirate ship and went on a journey to Neverland. We looked for pirate treasure using a map.

In the afternoon, the children enjoyed exploring the garden and finding the different animals and insects which live there using magnifying glasses. Some children planted bulbs in pots they decorated themselves. We sang Incy Wincy Spider and read the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

P1\2 Learning

P1/2 have been getting off to a good start with their new teacher Miss Bredin. In their work they have been drawing pictures to go with their writing. They have been working on their phonics. They have been writing about what they do on sunny days. They have also been learning their sounds and the thing that they found most exciting was learning how to use the ipad!