Category Archives: Classes

P1/2 Learning for 23/3/20

Hi everyone,

Mrs Wilkes and I are just getting ready to upload your activities for today’s learning. We will post these on here as soon as possible 🙂 Whilst you are waiting you could try out some of the letter formation activities in your P1/2 packs using your whiteboard pen.  🙂

Mrs Stutt

Primary 3/4

We have had a busy term so far.

We had a visit from Quality Meat Scotland, who spoke to us about Scottish beef, lamb and pork.

Elyse – Some of us helped make fajitas

Tivon – I helped make the guacamole for the beef fajitas.

Callum – Some of us helped cut the peppers and we used the bridge and claw techniques to help us.

Adam – The fajitas tasted scrumptious, I’ll give them 5*.


Design Technology

Findlay – For design technology we had a challenge to make balloon powered cars.

Tivon – If we keep using petrol or diesel cars it will cause carbon dioxide which will melt all the icebergs.

Leivi – It will cause global warming.

Elyse – Our cars had to travel at least one metre and we used a metre stick to measure this.

Callum – me and my partner’s car managed to travel four metres.

Leivi – me and my partner’s car did not move to begin with so we had to try an fix the problem by making changes to our design.


Findlay – We painted a sunset picture using red and yellow watercolours.

Leivi – We tried to make orange using red and yellow.

Ciara – We practiced how to draw wind turbines using paper, pens and pencils. When we had drawn them we found the perfect one and tried to copy them onto the sunset.


We used word blocks to make sentences.


Brag Tag Gallery

Tivon – If you have been successful and kind you receive a brag tag.

Callum – You only get brag tags when you’ve been caught doing something nice, kind or good. You can’t ask for a brag tag.

Leivi – You have to earn it!


Nursery January

We are off to a very busy start this term.

The children have been discussing and learning about Winter in nursery through a variety of different activities some rather messy!

We have had various visitors to nursery and the school and we would like to share this with you:

SSPCA- Discussed caring for pets including Rabbits. They provided some robotic Rabbits for us to use in our learning. We learned about what food, shelter and space that Rabbits needed to be happy.

Quality Meat Scotland-  Jennifer came to school and lead  a cooking demonstration in which some of us helped to make beef fajitas. They were really yummy! We discussed the different food groups and learned more about healthy eating. We participated in a picture game which we were to decide what goodness our bodies get from different meats.

Guide dogs- Clare and Liz brought along Tudor their 5 month old puppy and discussed with us the job that guide dogs do and how important they are. We learned that puppies go to school at the age of 1 and by 2 they are working supporting a visually impaired person. We also discussed the things needed to look after a puppy.

We also celebrated Burns day including, listening to Scottish muisc and stories and  having our own Burns supper for snack.

Nursery Week

In nursery this week we have all been very busy putting the finishing touches on our Christmas art to sell at the Christmas Fayre.

We have been doing lots of baking in preparation for the Christmas fayre we made; chocolate crispy Christmas trees, Christmas puddings and fairy cakes. It has been a very busy nursery.

We have started to learn about light and dark as the children have noticed the change in the colour of the sky in the later afternoon. As the children had so much fun last week creating a tent and camp fire to go camping and toasting marshmallows. We decided to make a den/ cave in our story corner to allow us to have a dark and quiet area in nursery. The children helped to black out the windows and had lots of fun making stars and moons to display all around the cave. We have been using torches so that we can read books in the dark den.

The children have started to help prepare a pallet which we have decorated brightly to be used as a weather station outside and we are going to record the rain fall, temperature and see the wind. Parents are welcome to come in and have a look and maybe help out in the preparations.

We hope you all enjoyed the Christmas fayre and we are looking forward to another busy week in nursery with preparations and practices of the Nativity starting.

Primary 3/4 Enterprise

Primary 3/4 have been busy this week with Christmas Fair Enterprise.

Elyse – We were using persuasive language in our posters for the Christmas fair and creating a memorable jingle to encourage people to buy the hot chocolate we made.

Christopher – We were writing jingles and trying to use alliteration in them, we also had to make sure to mention the product as well.

Ciara – We had to measure 3 heaped spoonfuls of hot chocolate to make them all the same. Then we had to add 20 marshmallows before tying the bag closed.

Connor – At the decorating station we had to stick pom poms on with glue for the nose and then we stuck 2 googly eyes. Last we added 2 antlers using brown pipe cleaners.

Leivi- We designed logos for our company – The 3 Reindeers. The logo was made from 3 brown fingerprints, then we added a red, green and black nose on them with black pen for antler and eyes. One of then eyes was winking.