Category Archives: Classes

Welcome Back P1 20.04.20

Good Morning P1

Here’s hoping you have all had as good a holiday as possible during these very unusual times. We have been so lucky with the weather and my garden has never been so tidy!

Unfortunately your learning must go on but I do hope you are taking this opportunity to try and do something new, I will look forward to hearing all your news when we get back to normal.

Have fun with today’s learning .P1 Learning activities 20-4–20



Good Morning Everyone

Today we are going to look at the story The Three Little Pigs. You might have the storybook at home to read with an adult but if not you could ask an adult to watch the story on this link:


An activity you can try is

Retell the story of the Three Little Pigs and try to use a different voice for each pig. What sort of voice would the wolf use? You could try to make puppets to re enact the story. Paper cut outs could be taped to the handles of spoons. Or you could build your own house using lego or duplo bricks.


Our song is about the three little pigs….


Have fun and stay safe over the holidays


P1 Learning Activities 2-4-20

We hope you are enjoying the activities. A ‘Daily Learning Guide’ is now also given, this is so you have a quick overview of the day’s suggested tasks.

Which activities you do and when you do them is completely your choice.

Remember to email any questions to the school.

Daily Learning Guide

Please find the link to today’s activities below:

P1 Learning activities 2-4-20

Link to Easter Themed Maths Acivity Book:


P2 Learning Activities 2-4-20

 We hope you are enjoying the activities. A ‘Daily Learning Guide’ is now also given, this is so you have a quick overview of the day’s suggested tasks.

Which activities you do and when you do them is completely your choice.

Remember to email any questions to the school.

Daily Learning Guide 

Please find the link to today’s activities below:

P2 Learning activities 2-4-20x

Link to Easter Themed Maths Acivity Book:




Nursery Activities 2-4-20

Good Morning Everyone

In nursery the children love to watch/listen to stories on the smartboard. They particularly like Come Outside. Here is an episode for you to watch

Come Outside – RABBITS – YouTube




Make your own bunny mask or Easter hat



Rhyme Sleeping Bunnies { the children are good at singing this song}

See the little bunnies sleeping till it’s nearly noon,

Shall we go and wake them with a merry tune,

Oh how still, are they ill,

Wake up soon

Wake  up sleeping bunnies

Hop little bunnies, hop, hop ,hop {children hop around the floor]

Hop little bunnies hop, hop, hop

Hop little bunnies hop, hop, hop

Hop little bunnies hop and stop….

You can sing with sleeping crocodiles,spiders,cats,dogs any animal.


Have fun

Nursery Activities 1/4/20

Good Morning Everyone

Please can you all log onto your child’s Learner’s Journey. If you need to reset the password or need any help please contact the school on

Our story today is about a hedgehog


t-l-54231b-dont-hog-the-hedge-ebook-pdf-version_ver_2 (1)


Let’s make some play dough. The play dough we use in nursery is so simple to make.. You can then make your own hedgehog.

Play Dough

1 cup of plain flour

1/2 cup of salt

1 cup of water

Mix the flour and salt then gradually add the water, if you have any food colouring that could be added to the play dough.

Rhyme today Touch Your Shoulders

Touch shoulders, touch your knees,

Raise your arms and drop them please,

Touch your ankles, touch your toes,

Pull your ears and touch your nose                                     




P1 Learning Activities 1-4-20

Hope you are all keeping well. Thank you for the photos of the learning you have been emailing to the school. It would be fabulous if some of  you could share pictures of the bags the children drew for last weeks writing task.

Daily Learning Guide 

See link below for details of Wednesday’s learning activities for you to enjoy. Remember to email the school if you have any questions.

P1 Learning activities 1-4-20 x

Settings, for this weeks writing task – you can print one, use your own picture or your child could draw their own setting.

T-L-1975-Story-Setting-Photo-Prompts (1)