Nursery Week

Another busy week in the nursery. Some of the activities the children enjoyed included bubble painting. It was tricking remembering to blow through the straw and not suck!

As you can see our broad beans are growing, some children measured them and compared the sizes of the plants.

A number of children created a band and made a stage from the blocks. They practiced their rhythm using different instruments.

The children also enjoyed developing their math skills using a maths game on the smart board.

The children carried on taking responsibility for clearing and washing their own plates at snack time.

The Scholastic Book Fair has arrived!

We have displays packed full of exciting books for sale. Please come in and browse, or send in orders via the form that was sent home this week. For every book sold, the school will receive credits that will be transformed into books for use in school.

For top tips on how to encourage reading at home, please click on the following link:



I enjoyed doing PE volleyball with Mr cox-Cyrus

I enjoyed making the mosques in a sunset-Ava

I enjoyed painting the towers-Helen

I enjoyed doing maths we learned how to do a percentage with fractions and decimals-Rebecca

I enjoyed doing maths and in maths we learned how to turn a percentage in to a fraction and a decimal -Lewis

I enjoyed making fish out of willow in outdoor learning -Finlay

In art we were drawing/painting daffodils  by coping steps.-Alexander

I enjoyed wearing my pj’s on Friday.:-)-Meah

I enjoyed doing my soft start which was questions if you got them right you keep the card i got 8 right- Chloe

l need really hard work for homework like my 6x tables/Jamie

I enjoyed doing maths because in maths we are doing our three times table and we are doing chimney sums and i got every single one right – Sophie lee

I enjoyed handwriting because it was not to hard but not to easy-Toby

I enjoyed outdoor learning will Mrs Ferguson because we were making fish with sticks it was really hard at first but it got much more easier we were outside it started to rain so we went inside to get some shelter- Tia

I enjoyed PE with Mr cox because it was fun-Angus

I like doing my math. I have been learning my 2 and 3 times tables and I know them – Jack

I get excited to do maths because I’m understanding it now and getting it right – Amber

I liked math in Mrs browns class because it is challenging for me and that is because we are on decimals with using different math operations – Melissa

I liked making the willow fish with Mrs Ferguson in outdoor/indoor learning and I also helped people make theirs-Ava

I liked making a theme park in the hall-Kieran