Tag Archives: Sports

P1 visit to WL College

This week P1 visited WL College to take part in some Active Schools activities.

The children really enjoyed practising their ball skills and playing fun games. Some of their favourites were Duck, Duck, Goose, Domes and Dishes and Sleeping Pirates.

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ICHS Cluster Football Festival

This morning our P7 Football team took part in their first competitive matches at the Inveralmond Cluster Football Festival.

Team Toronto have been training hard and their coach Miss Telford was delighted with their performance at their first event. The teamwork, determination, skill and stamina were exemplary! The team were proud of their efforts today too, especially when the managed some great results in some difficult games.

The outlook for Team Toronto is positive and they can’t wait until their next game!

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Judo Taster Sessions

This week we welcomed Destination Judo to Toronto, who spent 2 days with us providing all our classes with a taster session in Judo.

Everyone enjoyed their lesson with Sensei Euan. We had lots of fun and learned some new skills!

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Playground Fun

We have been working to make our playground areas fun places to be during break times. Our PSW staff have been leading games and activities with our children and we have seen such a positive impact. The pupils are engaged, helping each other, using their imaginations and becoming more independent in leading these activities themselves.

Our playgrounds are such positive places to be!

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Busy, Busy, Busy in P6/7!

P6/7 have been busy!
We have been rehearsing for our performance of Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat.
In maths, we have been interpreting data from bar, line and pie charts.
We have been focussing on discussion writing and thinking of arguments for and against as well as our own opinion.
We planted our potatoes this week and will be watching them grow and adding more compost as soon as we see the green leaves appear. We are hoping to grow lots.

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P6 took part in the Inveralmond cluster cross country and one of our girls won 1st place.  We are so proud of her.  Our girls team also came top in the competition, They will go on to represent us in the next stage of the competition in September. Fantastic!

Competitive Celebrations

Some of our Primary 5 pupils took part in a Multisport Festival at Craigswood Sports Centre, as part of Livingston’s 60th Birthday Celebrations.

We tried out some new sports and some that we already love – Football, Badminton and Judo. Our competitive side came out during badminton and we had lots of fun with the Judo and Football coaches. We can’t wait to try out some of these clubs in the community.

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Go Go Go P6/7

P6/7 have been working hard to learn our songs, actions and positions for our Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat show.  We have been busy creating props, organising costumes and filming.  It is a lot of work!
We have tidied the front garden and have been chitting potatoes which are now ready to plant.
Some of our P7 class members were at a sports festival which was excellent, and they had great fun.

P6/7 PE – Sports Coaching

This week P6/7 have been developing their coaching skills during PE lessons. On Monday we worked with WL College Sports Coach on our football skills.

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We love PE and really enjoy when we have coaches in to take lessons, so much so we decided to take on the role of the coach ourselves for our PE session on Wednesday.

We worked our classmates hard!