Tag Archives: Resilience

P4/5 Managing our Emotions

Primary 4/5 have been developing their own strategies to help them identify and regulate their emotions, after being inspired by Virginia Ironside’s “Huge Bag of Worries”.

P4/5 made their own worry monsters to keep with them at all times so that they are able to acknowledge, express and let go of their anxieties as the monster will  listen to, gobble up and hug away their worries.


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We discussed other ways of sharing and releasing our worries, we reminded ourselves of our trusted adults to talk to, using music and meditation to relax and the one strategy we really enjoyed was imagining our worries inside a bubble, blowing them away and watching them float off into the sky.

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PE in P4

This week in P4 we have been focusing on our throwing, catching skills, while working on our dodging and spacial awareness. These skills are coming in useful as we take part in the competitive team game of Benchball.

Also this week we have been learning some new Ceilidh dances in preparation for our Christmas party. We found the turns in the Gay Gordons tricky, and the Military Two Step was too fast to begin with, but after some practice, we are very proud to say we have cracked it! We are looking forward to learning more dances next week!

Primary 3/4 Flight Play

Primary 3/4 have been investigating flight and their knowledge of things that fly. Last week P3/4 pupils spent time playing and exploring with a variety of construction materials and how they could use these materials to make something that flies.

The pupils chose the construction material to use and made their own decisions about the type of flight item they would build. We had a wide variety of flying objects, from an aeroplane to pterodactyl! The children had great, imaginative designs and persevered even when they found things difficult.

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WL Cross Country Championships 2019

Last week one of our talented P7 girls took part in West Lothian’s Cross Country Championships 2019.

At the beginning of the year, our P6 children took part in our cluster Cross Country trials.  Our Toronto Primary representative finished in first place of all girls across the cluster. This win gave her entry into the WL Cross Country Championships.  She ran a super time and came well within the top 20 girls runners across the whole of West Lothian. Well done, we are very proud of you!

P6 Tennis Festival

A group of our P6 children took part in ICHS cluster Tennis Festival this week. Walking to Ladywell Tennis Courts proved to be a good warm up before their matches. The pupils then took part in doubles matches against pairs from our cluster primary schools. All children had fun taking part and Toronto were proud to make it to the semi finals! We may have a new Andy Murray or Serena Williams on our hands.

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A Fun Filled Day at Low Port

Today we have been very busy outdoors!

Once kitted out in our waterproofs and wellies we all took part in canoeing and a forest adventure. We loved crawling through tunnels, walking up the stream and keeping our canoe afloat!

After dinner we got glammed up for our disco and were cutting some shapes on the dance floor.

We are all really tired today after lots of activities and looking forward to bed!

An early morning visit to Linlithgow Palace is planned for tomorrow, before heading home after lunch.

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Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


P5 are at Low Port!

We arrived early this morning and were out and about straight away. We went for a looong walk round the Loch – the park at the end and roly polys down the huge hill was worth the walk! After lunch at the centre it was time to walk to Linlithgow Canal Centre, we loved our trip on the boat, and were very impressed with the boat’s 3 point turns!

We went back to the centre and were very excited to get to our rooms!, then we remembered we had to make our beds!! That was tough!

After a yummy dinner we went down to the peel for a game of rounders.  Once back we got snuggled into our jammies, put a film on and had some supper before bed.

We have been so busy today and there are lots of tired P5’s tonight. We have another busy day tomorrow!

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Day 1 at Belmont Camp

From the look on these little faces, we can tell that our Primary 7 campers had a ball yesterday!  Enjoy day 2 everyone!  We can’t wait to see more photos of all the memories you’re making!