Tag Archives: Play

Parachute Fun in P1

Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have been having fun with Mrs Graham, Mrs Stewart and Mrs Black, with the parachute!

We loved trying to keep the ball on the parachute, then we changed our game and were actually aiming to get the ball through the hole in the middle. We enjoyed sitting inside the parachute as we turned it into a mushroom, Mrs Black thought we had all disappeared! Our favourite game though was cat and mouse! Even one of the Primary 7’s joined in with us!

Outdoor Learning @ Toronto

This week some of our P7 children took part in some fun outdoor learning and baking activities with Mrs Steel.

They had fun at the swing park and enjoyed building dens in the woods. Today they have been making delicious Angel Delight Cones.

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P1 visit to WL College

This week P1 visited WL College to take part in some Active Schools activities.

The children really enjoyed practising their ball skills and playing fun games. Some of their favourites were Duck, Duck, Goose, Domes and Dishes and Sleeping Pirates.

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Playground Fun

We are continuing to develop our playground areas to make them fun places to be during break times. Our PSW staff are leading games and activities with our children and we are continuing to see the positive impact it is making. The pupils are engaged, helping each other, using their imaginations and becoming more independent in leading these activities themselves.

Our playgrounds are such positive places to be!

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Spooky Experiments in P4/5

Halloween has featured a lot in our learning in P4/5 over the last week! One of our favourite experiences was experimenting with static electricity to make our spooky ghosts fly!

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Playground Fun

We have been working to make our playground areas fun places to be during break times. Our PSW staff have been leading games and activities with our children and we have seen such a positive impact. The pupils are engaged, helping each other, using their imaginations and becoming more independent in leading these activities themselves.

Our playgrounds are such positive places to be!

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P1 Have Their Say!

Primary 1 have had the opportunity to take advantage of the area which they have had a hand in designing. We asked the pupils what they would like to play with and have, where ever possible, tried to accommodate their ideas (the swimming pool, bouncy castle and flat screen tv were a little beyond us though!).