Here are some helpful hints for accessing Microsoft Teams
Here are some helpful hints for accessing Microsoft Teams
P6/7 have begun training for our Cluster pentathlon this week. On Monday we practiced our shuttle runs and coached and encouraged each other to better our times. Today we worked on speed bounces. We had to make sure our bounces were “good” by ensuring we took off on 2 feet, landed on 2 feet, so what better way to practice than using the pogo balls!
We then transferred this skill to the wedge and counted how many we could do in 20 seconds. It was tough and we were very tired afterwards, but had lots of fun and managed to better our score each time.
How many bounces could you do in 20 seconds???
A message for Primary 4…
Primary 3/4 have been investigating flight and their knowledge of things that fly. Last week P3/4 pupils spent time playing and exploring with a variety of construction materials and how they could use these materials to make something that flies.
The pupils chose the construction material to use and made their own decisions about the type of flight item they would build. We had a wide variety of flying objects, from an aeroplane to pterodactyl! The children had great, imaginative designs and persevered even when they found things difficult.
Last week one of our talented P7 girls took part in West Lothian’s Cross Country Championships 2019.
At the beginning of the year, our P6 children took part in our cluster Cross Country trials. Our Toronto Primary representative finished in first place of all girls across the cluster. This win gave her entry into the WL Cross Country Championships. She ran a super time and came well within the top 20 girls runners across the whole of West Lothian. Well done, we are very proud of you!
A group of our P6 children took part in ICHS cluster Tennis Festival this week. Walking to Ladywell Tennis Courts proved to be a good warm up before their matches. The pupils then took part in doubles matches against pairs from our cluster primary schools. All children had fun taking part and Toronto were proud to make it to the semi finals! We may have a new Andy Murray or Serena Williams on our hands.
This morning we had an assembly to celebrate all of the great sporting achievements of 2018/19. This year we have had lots of different clubs such as football, futsal, rugby, dancing cycling and invasion games. This year we have had a lot of different clubs but next year we want more. We would to thank all of our partners who have played a big part in helping us achieve our sporting excellence this year.
Ayden and Ryan
Sports Committee.
We arrived early this morning and were out and about straight away. We went for a looong walk round the Loch – the park at the end and roly polys down the huge hill was worth the walk! After lunch at the centre it was time to walk to Linlithgow Canal Centre, we loved our trip on the boat, and were very impressed with the boat’s 3 point turns!
We went back to the centre and were very excited to get to our rooms!, then we remembered we had to make our beds!! That was tough!
After a yummy dinner we went down to the peel for a game of rounders. Once back we got snuggled into our jammies, put a film on and had some supper before bed.
We have been so busy today and there are lots of tired P5’s tonight. We have another busy day tomorrow!
On Friday 31st May, we held our annual Sports Day. Even though the weather wasn’t too kind, we still had lots of fun, laughs, teamwork and competition, as we held our sports day indoors.
In our big hall we took part in some potted sports, where we were shooting the football into the goal, testing out our aim on the target throw, completing the obstacle course and running the hurdles, to name a few. In the lunch hall we took part in some traditional sports day races – flat race, bean bag race, egg and spoon race. We had lots of proud winners showing off their certificates and stickers for placing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in our races.
Along with our water to keep us hydrated during all this physical activity, we enjoyed some tasty fruit during our morning, which was very kindly donated by Aldi and Lidl, and then a tasty ice lolly treat afterwards.
Today our Pupil Leadership Team shared the total scores from the day for each House team. Our winning house was Mohawk, who enjoyed an extra break together this afternoon as their reward. Well done Team Mohawk!
Here are some photos and videos from the day taken by our photographer Peyton.
Yesterday and today has been all about making new friends and learning new challenges at camp! Everyone slept really well last night. Miss Lawton was pampering the girls by braiding their hair whilst over in the boys dorm Miss Watson was enjoying listening to Harry Potter and the Philospher’s Stone but the boys zonked before the end of chapter 2! Fresh air works wonders! A tasty full breakfast for everyone this morning and another full day ahead today followed by disco fun tonight! I think these smiles are even bigger than the ones from yesterday