Everyone in P1A has made a super start to our final term in Primary 1!
We have been outside quite a bit this week, making the most of this lovely weather. We have been getting to grips with some new gardening tools which will be very handy when we start planting in our allotment.
Primary 5 took an exciting trip to The Sky Academy Studios.
Each of us were given an important role (Director, Producer, Scriptwriter, Reporter, Eyewitness, Camera Operator, Editor) within our studio groups. We all worked very hard as a team, to create a fantastic news report about Fake News and how to prevent it.
It was a great opportunity to work with experts and high-tech equipment. What great fun we had!
Safer Internet Day was officially on Tuesday 8th February this week, however we wanted to celebrate this for the whole week.
Across our classes this week pupils were learning more about staying safe online, particularly around this year’s theme, ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online’. The Digital Leaders set assignments on TEAMS and SEESAW for everyone to complete.
Digital Leaders shared online safety posters with each class to display in their ICT area. and at assembly they also shared their next exciting digital challenge for our learners – task focusing on staying safe online. This competition is going to be our biggest yet, with a very exciting prize!
Primary 3 have been working on partitioning in maths. Here they are explaining one of their strategies.
Posted by Tilly (P6/7, Digital Leader)
This week in P2/3 the children were learning to design their own tartan as part of Burns day.
We discussed the role of a designer and why planning our ideas is important. We also discussed the importance the task and building our creativity skills.
Once they designed their own tartan, P2/3 had the opportunity to create it, using a variety of materials chosen by them.
Tuesday was a day to celebrate Robert Burns!
In P7, we read Tam O’Shanter. We discussed the language in the poem and it’s meaning.
We recorded each other reciting the poem, created a QR code and displayed them in the hall for everybody in the school to enjoy!
Last week we looked at the biodiversity of our woods. We found many plants and insects living there, so this week we took on the challenge of creating some bug homes/hotels for the wide variety of minibeasts inhabiting the area and to attract many more, using only resources we found in the woods.
When creating our homes and hotels we made sure to think about the conditions and requirements for the bugs – dark, wet, well concealed, access to food, etc.
The minibeasts moved in quickly!
We had such a fun morning in P4/5 this morning. We took our art out to the wooded area of our playground and used the materials and resources that we found there to create some fantastic pieces of art!