Tag Archives: learning culture

Digital Leaders – Teacher Training

Our amazing Digital Leaders have been working hard in school to develop our use of ICT. One aspect of this development is to ensure that staff are confident in using the hardware and software with the children. Our Digital Leaders have been hosting some after school sessions on some programmes that staff may find beneficial to pupils’ learning. We have delivered sessions over the course of this term on Imovie, Scratch, Word Clouds, Quiver, Sway and Didbook. We have even been into classes to support the teachers and pupils in using these.

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Book Swap

To celebrate World Book Day in Thursday, we would like to ask everyone to bring in a book from home that they are finished reading and wouldn’t mind swapping with someone else in school. Books should be in very good condition. Children can send in more than one book and our aim is that all children in our school get to swap a book and leave with another. This was hugely successful 2 years ago and we are really hoping for the same thing again this year. Please send books in tomorrow or Wednesday in preparation for World Book Day on Thursday.  Please note: there is no need to dress up this year. Our goal is not to spend money on costumes but to promote a love for reading. This doesn’t mmmm not apply to nursery children as they are launching Big Bedtime Read on Thursday instead. Thank you in advance.

Today’s Achievements Assembly

Today at our whole school assembly we enjoyed celebrating the achievements of many of our children from across our school when they were recognised for effort, manners and for helping others.

We were treated to a glimpse of our Glee Club performance which was outstanding! Thank you to Mrs Steel, Ms Muir, Mr Platt and Noriko our dance teacher, for helping us get ready for next week’s big performance! Make sure you remember your props for rehearsals this week everyone.

Mr Graham reminded us all of the basics of Building Learning Power with a little help from some volunteers who showed perseverance, collaboration and lots of effort! We’re looking forward to working more on mini BLP sessions over the next few weeks.

Primary 4 children shared their World Book Day challenge with everyone. They have been busy creating posters asking if everyone could bring a book in to swap and keep on Thursday. Please note, there is not a necessity for children to dress up on Thursday for World Book Day – we’d just love you to bring in a preloved book for swapping 📚📙📘📚

Positive Vibes

This week we came together as a whole school community for our weekly assembly to discuss the importance of spreading positive vibes through the medium of cheery bananas!  Each class received a special positive message written on a banana and their challenge this week is to fulfill some of these positivity challenges, for example, brighten someone’s day with a smile, believe in yourself and you’re halfway there and ofcourse the favourite – put on your positive pants! 😂

Eco Award ♻️

We would like to thank our wonderful Eco team, clean team, litter pickers and battery collectors along with Mrs Wong, Miss Galloway and Ms Muir who have helped us sustain our prestigious Green Flag award!

We celebrated this achievement at our school community assembly yesterday and we were very impressed to receive our 6th green flag! Well done everyone!!

Nursery Loose Parts

As some of you may know from following us on Twitter, on Friday we were lucky enough to have been awarded ‘Very Goods’ by the Care Inspectorate who dropped in on us last week for a formal visit.  The role play in our brick area has substantially evolved and after the introduction of reels, bamboo, tyres and material the results were golden! We stood beside the inspector in awe of our talented children and she was blown away. We knew as practitioners to stand back, observe and allow our amazingly creative children to do what they do best…play! Here’s a teeny snippet of a very real day at Toronto! Enjoy 😊

TPS Traditional Burns Supper

Primary 7, along with their teacher, Mr Graham, organised and led an outstanding Burns Supper! They invited special guests from Toronto’s past and present and took everyone through a traditional Burns Supper. Liam and Ross were fantastic compares whilst Harris said grace in the form of the Selkirk Grace before the haggis was piped in by Liam and Charlie addressed it perfectly in the style of Burns himself! Entertainment included all of the senior School poetry winners and Cameron, Kieran and Nathan led us through a super PowerPoint which highlighted some facts about the great Robert Burns as Christopher and Ryan played soft Scottish music in the background! We had an entourage of waiters and waitresses who served up Scotch Broth and Haggis, Neeps n’ Tatties (thank you so much Sharon and Michelle, part of our amazing kitchen dream team) all washed down by good old Irn Bru! Well done to everyone else who played their part in the event; from invitations to place settings and hall decorations to front of house volunteers who welcomed guests and took their coats!! It was a fabulous afternoon! We are so proud of you all P7!

P4 and P4/3 Scottish Art Gallery

Over the past few weeks Primary 4 and 4/3 have been learning about famous Scottish artists Charles Rennie MacKintosh who was famous for his beautiful rose stained glass window designs, Steven Brown who coined the McCoo Highland Cow art and Andy Scott who designed The Kelpies. They have thoroughly enjoyed this topic and showcases their outstanding artwork in a gallery which they took great delight in showcasing to our whole school and nursery! Well done P4 and P4/3 you blew us away with your knowledge and we loved visiting your gallery! 🎨

Liam our Primary 5 piper!

At Toronto PS we are honoured to have our very own little Bagpipe superstar!! Liam began learning his craft on the chanter 3 years ago and has now been playing the bagpipes for around 2 years! We are extremely proud of you Liam, you have an incredible future ahead of you and every single child and adult at TPS couldn’t stop smiling at how far you’ve come! You blew us all away! 🎵