This week P1 and P1/2 had the best time during their Kids Gone Wild session with Rob and Jax.
The children enjoyed relaxing in the hammock, swinging on the tree swing and flying down the zip line. Even some of the adults had a go on the zip line!
This week P1 and P1/2 had the best time during their Kids Gone Wild session with Rob and Jax.
The children enjoyed relaxing in the hammock, swinging on the tree swing and flying down the zip line. Even some of the adults had a go on the zip line!
Primary 7 enjoyed a visit to Heriot Watt University where they had fun designing and testing their own parachutes, took part in fun activities to programme the Sphero bots and also learned more about life at University.
In January Primary 7 pupils took part in the Watt Box challenge, set by Heriot Watt University. The University staff challenged our P7’s to design a chariot which could travel 2 metres and be pushed or pulled by a Sphero Bot. The staff from Heriot Watt were so impressed with the enthusiasm and skills shown by the children, including their preparation and design process, and as a result Toronto Primary were chosen as the Inveralmond Cluster winners. For being the winning ICHS cluster school Heriot Watt invited our P7 children to visit the university to take part in a variety of STEM based activities.
P5/6 loved their outdoor learning session with Rob from Kids Gone Wild.
We enjoyed being in the woods, climbing trees, building dens, playing hide and seek, zip lines and using our imagination to create our own fun and games.
This week we worked with our P1 buddies, we had great fun playing in the field. We had pots and pans and water and we made potions and grass soup. We played Duck, duck, goose, played with bubbles and had a blether.
In rugby we were learning how to pass the and how to score a try, we had to race against each other.
In Bikeability some of us were learning how to cross the road, do a U-turn and safe start and stop.
When the Bikeability groups were out the rest of P7A learned about the artist Piet Mondrian and we created our own compositions. Piet Mondrian was a famous artist who developed a style of his own, called neoplasticism. His work became minimalistic. He painted using simple lines, right angles and blocks of primary colours. Mondrian wanted to express a harmony and purity in his work.
This morning was the final round of the ICHS Cluster football League and Team Toronto were up for the challenge. After coming into the league late Team Toronto are proud of their achievements and were delighted with their medals.
This week P5 had their first rugby session with Sam from Livingston Rugby Club. We had lots of fun learning new skills and got very competitive in some of the team challenges.
This week some of our P7 children took part in some fun outdoor learning and baking activities with Mrs Steel.
They had fun at the swing park and enjoyed building dens in the woods. Today they have been making delicious Angel Delight Cones.
P3/4 have been building castles this week as part of their IDL. They had already researched castles and drawn plans for them to follow. Have a look and see what you think!