Tag Archives: collaboration

Merry Christmas from P5/6

Primary 5/6 have been working hard as a team over the last few weeks to put together their own Christmas music video. All pupils have played important roles in the making of this video, either as actors, camera operators or directors. We have learned some new skills and had lots of fun along the way.

We hope everyone has a lovely Christmas!

Digital Leaders – Teacher Training

Our amazing Digital Leaders have been working hard in school to develop our use of ICT. One aspect of this development is to ensure that staff are confident in using the hardware and software with the children. Our Digital Leaders have been hosting some after school sessions on some programmes that staff may find beneficial to pupils’ learning. We have delivered sessions over the course of this term on Imovie, Scratch, Word Clouds, Quiver, Sway and Didbook. We have even been into classes to support the teachers and pupils in using these.

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P7/6 Rockband Assembly

What a fantastic assembly from P7/6 today! We enjoyed hearing all about your Rockband learning and hearing songs from one of the bands you found influential to your learning. The whole audience could see just how much you had enjoyed this learning through your enthusiasm, attention to detail, fabulous performance and super music video. Well done P7/6, you are the champions!

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Low Port Update

Well what a busy day that was!

We waved off our friends from group 1 whilst eating our lunch then went straight to orienteering! Everyone got to know the area of The Peel very well which will be great for tomorrow when we walk round the loch and down the canal. The nagvigation wasn’t easy but we all gave it a good go! Freya and Anais were the fastest over 2 courses and we were feeling very proud of them! 🌟

Back at the ranch we unpacked and headed down to the kitchen for lentil soup and a delicious steak pie dinner.  Everyone ate very very well! After that we headed down onto The Peel to play. A group of us played football whilst others guddled in the burn, played on the swings and did an array of gymnastics moves!

After exhausting ourselves we headed back to the centre for supper – you’ll not be surprised to know that the Nutella was the most popular choice!  We then headed off to bed and most of us cosied down and we’re fast fast asleep for 10pm.

Tomorrow half of us will be sailing whilst the other half will be off to trail the forest and streams at Beecraigs! Fun fun fun!