Tag Archives: collaboration

Terrific Toronto Teachers

Our Toronto staff have been taking part in a variety of sessions, including online learning, to develop their knowledge and skills in using some of our digital resources.

In our latest session they have been refreshing their knowledge of Education City. This website is an active and engaging resource we use in class to support our pupils’ learning.

Toronto’s Digital Leaders also attended this learning session and are confident in supporting our pupils, and our staff, in the use of this fab resource. What super team work at Toronto!

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We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Some children from P1 and P2 worked with Mrs Black on one of their favourite stories – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.

After enjoying reading the story , the boys successfully ordered the pictures to retell the story.  They then drew, coloured and annotated their own pictures to create a collaborative book of the story and used playdough to recreate scenes from the story. All before watching the animated version of the story on the smartboard. What hardworking boys!

Productive afternoons in Primary 3/4

Primary 3/4 have been working hard over the past week on their Interdisciplinary topic “The Titanic”. The pupils were set a challenge to “raise the Titanic from her watery grave” by reproducing the unsinkable ship in their classroom.  The children worked well together to decide upon how they would like to display the ship in their room. They then split into teams and took a part of the display each to work on. The finished product was completely the work of the children. They worked together to establish their ideas, list the resources they required, shared out the jobs and the work and then put all the elements together. Their Titanic display is quite impressive and definitely meets the criteria set in the challenge, by demonstrating their skills, teamwork and creativity.

After all that hard work, it was time to enjoy the sunshine! We took our PE outdoors and practiced some of our races and skills we will need for taking part in our Sports Day that is coming soon. We loved racing each other and had lots of laughs when balancing the bean bags on our heads!

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A small group of Primary 5/6 children noticed an area of their playground which was beginning to look bit tired, and they wanted to do something to make it look a bit nicer.

The trellis arch in the playground just outside our P4 classroom was looking like it could be doing with a bit of a spruce up. So these girls got together to come up with a plan to redevelop the area. The team decided they wanted to raise funds to fix the broken panels of the trellis, paint it to make it more attractive and buy some plants to train to grow on it. To do this they decided to hold a raffle. The girls created a sensory pack for the winning ticket – they created their own sensory bottle, stress balls and mindfullness colouring book (all made by themselves), to award the winner.

Every day this week the girls have been selling tickets throughout the school and have raised a total of £32. The winning Ticket was drawn this morning and Karly (P4) was delighted with her Sensory pack.

The P5/6 pupils now plan to write to the janitor to ask for their help in fixing the panels before using their funds to buy paint, which they have asked the gardening leadership group to assist them with painting.

Well done girls, and thank you for going above and beyond to make Toronto fabulous!

Rotary Quiz

Back in March the team representing Toronto Primary beat off our local opponents and qualified to go through to the next round of the Rotary Quiz, at Murrayfield PS.

Yesterday the team headed off for the next round, all set to represent Toronto. They showed great knowledge, skill and teamwork to answer a wide variety of questions, with their favourite round being the observation round.

Although they did not win this round they have definitely done us proud by their shining example of hard work, collaboration and  dedication.

Here they are pictured with their certificate, which we will display with pride.


National Theatre Scotland

Primary 7 spent Monday of this week working with the National Theatre Scotland. The children took part in a fabulous workshop with games, music and drama. Our P7 pupils have been talking positively about this experience all week and loved every second of it. This has also given them some helpful ideas and hints as they prepare for their World War 2 class assembly in a  few weeks. We would like to thank our lovely friend of Toronto, Sandy who organised this for us. Primary 7 can’t wait to show you what they have been working on!

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1+2 Languages Family Fun Afternoon

This afternoon was our first 1+2 Languages Family fun session at Toronto. We welcomed lots of children and their families. Our families showed off their super singing voices by learning and performing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French. A definite favourite of the afternoon was the taste testing session, where everyone enjoyed foods from France, Spain and Germany – the croissants and brioche were a big hit.

We rounded off the afternoon with a European trivia quiz. We had 3 clever winning teams and each enjoyed choosing their prizes. A huge well done to all teams who took part, some of those questions were tricky!

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Primary 3’s Enterprise Project – Golden Tickets

Primary 3 have been busy over the last few weeks, organising and sharing their enterprise project. The pupils and staff across the school have been supporting their project this week by taking part in their Golden Ticket event. Here are the lucky winners, looking very chuffed with their prizes.

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Burns Celebrations

Toronto Primary really got into the spirit on Friday, as we celebrated all things Scottish in honour of Robert Burns.

Each class worked together to produce a variety of guid Scottish displays in oor hall – from tartan kilts, to Charles Rennie Mackintosh designs.

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Oor wee hall showcased more of oor school’s talent as we turned it into oor Toronto Art Gallery, focusing on Scottish artists and Scottish inspired art work.

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To complete our Burns Day celebrations we held a Poetry competition, where representatives from each class recited some fabulous Scottish poems at a special assembly. Remembering and pronouncing all those Scots words was tricky but what talented bairns  we hae at Toronto!

Whit a rare day we had!

Sky Academy

Primary 5 attended a Skills Academy at Sky this morning.  Following on from our Interdisciplinary Learning theme before Christmas, we have been researching ocean pollution and it’s effect on the the world and it’s inhabitants. We used this knowledge toady to put together a news report of our findings. At the Sky Skills Academy we each had a job role and were responsible for an area of the report. We learned about writing scripts, using the teleprompter, using cameras, camera angles, editing and trimming and presenting and interviewing, ensuring our facts were triple checked.

Our Directors and Producers had a tough job keeping us on the right path and working to a deadline, but we made it. We are really proud of the report we were able to put together through using and developing our skills and working together as a brilliant team!

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