Tag Archives: collaboration

Persuasive Writing

We have been learning about persuasive techniques in our writing in P4. Sometimes when we believe in something, we want others to believe in it also and so we might try to get them to change their minds. The word for trying to convince someone to change their mind about something is persuade.

We played some games and activities to practise our powers of persuasion.

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February Homework in P4

Each month P4 enthusiastically take on their home learning grids and enjoy sharing the results of the activities they undertake. A few examples of their tasks are featured below.

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Pancake Day in P4

P4 have been celebrating some different events over the last month.

One favourite in particular was Shrove Tuesday. As well as learning about Shrove Tuesday through RME, we were also able to incorporate Pancake Day into our Health, Maths and Literacy activities. We enjoyed investigating our favourite toppings for our pancakes, our favourites being syrup and strawberries. We collected information on favourite toppings, displayed this information in a graph and used the graph to identify most/least popular toppings. We included Pancake day in our Literacy activities through writing shopping lists for making pancakes with our favourite toppings and instructions on how to make pancakes.

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P4 Loves Languages

P4 have been celebrating the diverse collection of languages spoken in our school community, as part of Scotland Loves Languages week.

We researched how to say “Hello”, “Welcome” and “How are you?” in a variety of different languages and wrote these in our playgrounds to make our families feel welcome to our school as they pick us up and drop us off.

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We have been developing our knowledge of the weather and colours in French through lots of games and fun activities. We have also been working on some Spanish with Mrs Boadley.

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Christmas Countdown

“On the third day of Christmas Toronto staff gave to all……

Charleston, break dancing, ballet

EDM and Hip hop


10 dancing Christmas elves.”




We would like to wish all our pupils and families a restful and peaceful Christmas break. Merry Christmas, we look forward to welcoming you back in the new year!

PE in P4

This week in P4 we have been focusing on our throwing, catching skills, while working on our dodging and spacial awareness. These skills are coming in useful as we take part in the competitive team game of Benchball.

Also this week we have been learning some new Ceilidh dances in preparation for our Christmas party. We found the turns in the Gay Gordons tricky, and the Military Two Step was too fast to begin with, but after some practice, we are very proud to say we have cracked it! We are looking forward to learning more dances next week!