Tag Archives: collaboration

A Busy Time in P6/7

P6/7 have been working hard converting fractions and decimals to percentages, as well as finding percentages of numbers.  We were looking at real life examples and found some percentages on our milk and snack packaging.  We have also been finding fractions of different amounts.

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We have been taking part in the Languagenut Competition and have been doing both French and Spanish.  We have been asked to join Sumdog’s Avatar Testing Panel to offer our thoughts and opinions about the new avatars they are creating.

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Some of the P6 children have been working hard revising for the Euroquiz which will take part on the 17th March.  We will be competing with other schools from West Lothian.

P1B’s Outstanding Outdoor Learning

Following on from the children’s learning on water 💧 staff provided open ended loose parts in the woods to support the children’s play. P1B used lots of science skills, problem solving and great communication to have a fantastic afternoon of outdoor learning!

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P4/5’s Pizza Fractions

P4/5 have been used their knowledge of division to support their work on fractions this week. we have enjoyed playing fractions games on the Promethean board, had some fun “cookie lessons” with Mrs Brearley and designed our own pizzas to show fractions.

What is your favourite pizza topping?

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Toronto’s Virtual Sports Week

Today is Day 3 of Toronto Primary’s Virtual Sport Week!

The challenges for today can be found here: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1325925820564242435

Remember to post your best attempts for each day’s events on your Class Team/SeeSaw/Online Learning Journal, for your score to be counted.

Get all your house team involved, encourage your team mates to take part to boost your house score. The winning house will be decided by the end of the week!

Teamwork makes the dream work!

Aldi Kits For School

We were excited to receive a delivery this morning from Aldi. As a result of our whole school community coming together to collect the sports stickers from Aldi last term, we were lucky enough to be rewarded with a kit for our school to supplement our PE and sports. P4 and P5 were very excited to share our reward with the rest of the school today, we can’t wait for the opportunity to make use of the equipment.

A huge thank you to everyone who helped us collect and enabled us to claim this super piece of kit.

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Persuasive Writing

We have been learning about persuasive techniques in our writing in P4. Sometimes when we believe in something, we want others to believe in it also and so we might try to get them to change their minds. The word for trying to convince someone to change their mind about something is persuade.

We played some games and activities to practise our powers of persuasion.

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