Tag Archives: citizenship

Internet Safety

One of our Primary 7 pupils has been working really hard to provide some important information on how to stay safe online and proudly shared her leaflet detailing some great advice. Our Digital Leaders would like to use this fabulous piece of work to display in all classes and share with our families at home. Well done!

Remembrance Day Assembly

On Friday at assembly we shared the very important message of remembering and the important symbol of the poppy. P3/4 helped to share this message with all their work they have been doing in class, from the beautiful poppy wreath, powerpoints of key facts and a touching poem they learned.  Thank you for helping us remember!

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Outdoor area – Work in Progress

During the last term, three Primary 5/6 pupils recognised an area of their playground that they would like to develop. The girls organised an activity to raise funds in order to buy some supplies to make a start to this area.

Over the last few days of term the girls were delighted to see that the work was well underway to repair the trellis area that they identified. These P5/6 pupils have now been organising the next steps for this area when we return after the holidays. They plan to paint the trellis and have already begun collecting ornaments to decorate with.

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P1 and Scripture Union

Last week Scripture Union came into school to work with classes. P1a and P1b had a great time watching and taking part in the story of “God’s Great Idea!”. Children learned about God’s plan, designed their very own inventions and created a head band with a light bulb showing themselves……God’s Great Idea!

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P5 are at Low Port!

We arrived early this morning and were out and about straight away. We went for a looong walk round the Loch – the park at the end and roly polys down the huge hill was worth the walk! After lunch at the centre it was time to walk to Linlithgow Canal Centre, we loved our trip on the boat, and were very impressed with the boat’s 3 point turns!

We went back to the centre and were very excited to get to our rooms!, then we remembered we had to make our beds!! That was tough!

After a yummy dinner we went down to the peel for a game of rounders.  Once back we got snuggled into our jammies, put a film on and had some supper before bed.

We have been so busy today and there are lots of tired P5’s tonight. We have another busy day tomorrow!

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A small group of Primary 5/6 children noticed an area of their playground which was beginning to look bit tired, and they wanted to do something to make it look a bit nicer.

The trellis arch in the playground just outside our P4 classroom was looking like it could be doing with a bit of a spruce up. So these girls got together to come up with a plan to redevelop the area. The team decided they wanted to raise funds to fix the broken panels of the trellis, paint it to make it more attractive and buy some plants to train to grow on it. To do this they decided to hold a raffle. The girls created a sensory pack for the winning ticket – they created their own sensory bottle, stress balls and mindfullness colouring book (all made by themselves), to award the winner.

Every day this week the girls have been selling tickets throughout the school and have raised a total of £32. The winning Ticket was drawn this morning and Karly (P4) was delighted with her Sensory pack.

The P5/6 pupils now plan to write to the janitor to ask for their help in fixing the panels before using their funds to buy paint, which they have asked the gardening leadership group to assist them with painting.

Well done girls, and thank you for going above and beyond to make Toronto fabulous!

Rotary Quiz

Back in March the team representing Toronto Primary beat off our local opponents and qualified to go through to the next round of the Rotary Quiz, at Murrayfield PS.

Yesterday the team headed off for the next round, all set to represent Toronto. They showed great knowledge, skill and teamwork to answer a wide variety of questions, with their favourite round being the observation round.

Although they did not win this round they have definitely done us proud by their shining example of hard work, collaboration and  dedication.

Here they are pictured with their certificate, which we will display with pride.


Internet Safety

The digital leaders have recently been talking about internet safety, here are are top tips for staying safe online:

  1. Never share your personal details, eg. age, where you live etc.
  2. Always have parental supervision
  3. Don’t contact anybody you don’t know
  4. Only accept friend requests from people you know
  5. Keep your logins and passwords safe and don’t let anyone know them

Parents, you can also help keep your children safe online by following the advice in the link below:


Stay safe 4 life!

by Michael, Digital Leader

National Theatre Scotland

Primary 7 spent Monday of this week working with the National Theatre Scotland. The children took part in a fabulous workshop with games, music and drama. Our P7 pupils have been talking positively about this experience all week and loved every second of it. This has also given them some helpful ideas and hints as they prepare for their World War 2 class assembly in a  few weeks. We would like to thank our lovely friend of Toronto, Sandy who organised this for us. Primary 7 can’t wait to show you what they have been working on!

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Safer Internet Day

Tuesday was Safer Internet Day, and here at Toronto all classes took part in lessons and activities in which we were able to develop our knowledge.

Our DIgital Leaders worked with a variety of classes on a social media quiz, identifying the age individuals must be engage with a variety of social media. We were surprised by some of the age limits on these, particularly YouTube!

As the Digital Leaders were working in classes, the theme of consent and permission was a hot topic and children were able to discuss their thoughts and give opinions on this and how we can keep ourselves and others safe online.

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