Tag Archives: Challenge

1+2 Languages Family Fun Afternoon

This afternoon was our first 1+2 Languages Family fun session at Toronto. We welcomed lots of children and their families. Our families showed off their super singing voices by learning and performing Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes in French. A definite favourite of the afternoon was the taste testing session, where everyone enjoyed foods from France, Spain and Germany – the croissants and brioche were a big hit.

We rounded off the afternoon with a European trivia quiz. We had 3 clever winning teams and each enjoyed choosing their prizes. A huge well done to all teams who took part, some of those questions were tricky!

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Creative Approaches to Homework

Primary 5/6 were tasked with a homework challenge this week, which allowed them to tap into their creative streak. The class were given an open ended challenge to bring with them something Scottish that they could present and talk about in class. There were no limits to what the children could work on, it was open to their interpretation allowing them choice, ownership and creativity – it could have been a piece of music they found, research steps to a Scottish dance, notes they had made about a famous Scottish person, or even a bottle of Irn Bru!

What great things Primary 5/6 brought to class this week to present!

We loved a bit of history of shortbread, the Scottish presentation tins with tartan and Scotty dogs, with one pupil using a family recipe to make delicious shortbread that they kindly shared with their peers, even Mrs Black and Mrs Gingell had to have a try.

We also had some information about a family tartan, which was enthusiastically demonstrated with props, and some fantastic research about the famous Scottish artist Steven Brown.

We are looking forward to sharing more creative Scottish homework on Wednesday!

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Burns Celebrations

Toronto Primary really got into the spirit on Friday, as we celebrated all things Scottish in honour of Robert Burns.

Each class worked together to produce a variety of guid Scottish displays in oor hall – from tartan kilts, to Charles Rennie Mackintosh designs.

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Oor wee hall showcased more of oor school’s talent as we turned it into oor Toronto Art Gallery, focusing on Scottish artists and Scottish inspired art work.

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To complete our Burns Day celebrations we held a Poetry competition, where representatives from each class recited some fabulous Scottish poems at a special assembly. Remembering and pronouncing all those Scots words was tricky but what talented bairns  we hae at Toronto!

Whit a rare day we had!

New Years Resolutions

Our first week back after the Christmas holidays was a busy one! What better activity to begin the new year than to reflect on the last year and make plans and goals for the year to come. We remembered all the activities we have enjoyed during 2018, when we were still young P4’s and P5’s! We thought about the things that are still to come for us this year- Lowport, trips, responsible roles, and decided to set ourselves some targets for 2019.

We created this display to share our thoughts and ideas, and help keep us on track.

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Digital Leaders – Teacher Training

Our amazing Digital Leaders have been working hard in school to develop our use of ICT. One aspect of this development is to ensure that staff are confident in using the hardware and software with the children. Our Digital Leaders have been hosting some after school sessions on some programmes that staff may find beneficial to pupils’ learning. We have delivered sessions over the course of this term on Imovie, Scratch, Word Clouds, Quiver, Sway and Didbook. We have even been into classes to support the teachers and pupils in using these.

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